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Political socialization essay

Political socialization essay

More precisely, at the end of the 19th century, the issue of industrialization together with the huge developments that were taking political socialization essay at the level of the political changes, economic burst, and cultural revolutions set the human…. As I have always said over and over again, if you will give me the opportunity to be your leader as the… Work Cited "Contracting. Food has reached a whole new level in first-world countries, considering that the financial condition that people in these countries have virtually enabled them to see food as being more than just a necessity, political socialization essay. Ordinary beer parties emphasize the general principle of mutual helpfulness and mutual relationships in homesteads. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

Custom «Political Socialization» Sample Essay

Political Socialization Almost every individual in today's society has a set of political beliefs or values, but most of us hardly ever pause to think why we have such beliefs and how we have acquired them. Are they our own ideas or have we been influenced by others in our thinking? Most political scientists are of the opinion that people are not born with political ideas, nor do we manufacture them, we learn them through a process called political socialization. In this paper we shall see how this is so. In addition, we shall look at the background of political socialization, discuss its importance in today's society, identify the factors that influence the process of political socialization and evaluate their relative importance.

Background The concept of political socialization can be traced as far back as Plato's philosophical works such as "The Republic" in which he looks for ways to develop…. Works Cited Dawson, R. Political Socialization. Boston: Little, Brown, political socialization essay. Hahn, Carole L. large number of political socialization agents for an individual, including political socialization essay media, the family, and school environments. As a child I can remember one particular example that involved all of these in helping me to form a political impression.

What was most vivid to me as a child, however, was the impression of complete absurdity and unreality -- although I imagine that most people who still recall the events I am thinking about would probably agree with this assessment in In order to recall this political event fromhowever, it is only necessary to remember two words: "Freedom Fries. I know how I first recalled the term. It was in and French Fries were…. A change of leadership and divisive social forces political socialization essay pressure such hatreds into re-erupting, but these hatreds are still historical 'products. A diffusion of responsibility during the action such as a war or a collective lynching can be a facilitating factor, but the social and historical context must be acknowledged.

An authority that validates the atrocity, as in the case of Hitler or Milosevic can legitimize terror, but the people's responsiveness to that figure has its roots in culture and collective psychology. Furthermore, distance from authority can also create a sense of validation -- although lynching was never part of the official justice system of the South, political socialization essay, it was obvious that the authorities were willing to ignore lynchings, provided they was done under the cover of night. The repercussions for protecting African-Americans and treating…. he United States represents the ideal place for the developing of the political socialization essay power.

he way to understand the power of the American elite lies neither solely in recognizing the historic scale of events nor in accepting the personal awareness reported by men of apparent decision. Behind such men and behind the events of history, linking the two, are the major institutions…. The United States represents the ideal place for the developing of the elite power. The way to understand the power of the American elite lies neither solely in recognizing the historic scale of events nor in accepting the personal awareness reported by men of apparent decision. Behind such men and behind the events of history, linking the two, are the major institutions of modern society.

Within American society, major national power now resides in the economic, the political, and the military domains. The Marxist power is a philosophical, social theory and a political practice based on the works of Karl Marx. Together with Friedrich Engels, he political socialization essay one of his famous works Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. One of the main theories of Marxism is inspirited by Hegel's philosophy proposed a form of idealism in which the progress of freedom is the guiding theme of human history. Another theory is that of the labour.

Marx proposed a systematic correlation between labour-values and money prices, political socialization essay. He claimed that the source of profits under capitalism is value added by workers not paid out in wages. This mechanism operated through the distinction between "labour power,". Spheres of Influence Political Sphere Politics is that one course of action by which the choices and decision that influences our lives directly are reached. In simple words, politics can be described as a tool that is responsible for the shaping up and changing peoples' lives. It is not an untold secret that it is the sole responsibility of the government to fulfill the needs of its people. Society changes due to politics. Thus, political socialization essay, politics influence almost every aspect of our lives, political socialization essay.

Not only does it tell us how much tax we are obliged to pay, it also sets the price of gasoline. The political leaders are not the same. However, they all affect our mentalities in one way or another by their leadership styles and decisions they make for the betterment or nuisance for the people. References Crossman, A. Sociology of Gender: Political socialization essay the Relationship between Gender and Society. htm Hardegree, E. html Hudson, C, political socialization essay. How Politics Affects Our Lives. Cultural Influences on Personality. Annual Reviews Psychology, 53, Note that inflated English has been more characteristic of the centuries preceding Orwell and of Orwell's own time than on the latter part of the 20th century.

There has been a shift in linguistics. As linguists and historians of language have noted, the Western model of language political socialization essay the monological approach. The monological approach has political socialization essay reaching back to Aristotle who saw communication as one of political socialization essay, namely persuasion, where communication was a strategy for influencing people and helping them see reason, or the truth. In this way, political socialization essay, the 'other' became viewed as object, communication was one way monological and the objective was how to best seduce the other to one's way of thinking. According to some linguists, such as Alfred Taylor, this reduction culminated in reducing conversation, depersonalizing words, and converting them into ideas rather than seeing the complexity of the speaker behind the political socialization essay. It also led to….

Building Political Support Through Church: How Politics Affects Community America is a country founded on the right to religious freedom. Upon the creation of its laws, the founding fathers created a religious-based constitution. Throughout the many decades, lawmakers have found it just to change particular portions in order to make it more generally accepted by all religions. The lines between law and religion have political socialization essay skewed, and the way in which a politician may build support through religion has become extremely sensitive.

Because religion affects community, as does the politician, it is important to examine as to how and how much. Whether or not one is religious or of a particular religion, they may benefit from the religious community's efforts. Religion has long been a force of unity, and those with strong religious practices are often good citizens and good neighbors in a community McKanan, Religion contributes to its…. Despite America's devotion to faith, there has been growth in violent crime, illegitimacy, substance abuse, and welfare dependency Fagan, There are very few topics that divide a room quicker than politics and religion Managing Communities,political socialization essay, but the two must be addressed in respect for one another when policy makers create law Fagan, When recently questioned about his faith, President Barack Obama political socialization essay, "My faith shapes my values, but applying those values to policymaking must be done with principles that are accessible to all people, religious or not Obama, In fact, many political figures use their religion to relate to potential voters Cline,while some politicians use their opponents religion as a weapon to use against their opponent The Economist, How politicians must demonstrate their faith is best exemplified through Thomas Jefferson.

He declared his religion, and doubts thereof, and did not impose it on others Kim, When considering law, policymakers should do the same, and must be aware of how religion affects their community, political socialization essay. First, there is often considered to be a link between family strength and practice of religion. Religious beliefs help form one's morals, as religion often demotes suicide, drug abuse, out-of-wedlock births, crime, and divorce. The regular practice of religion is said to also help mental health, self-esteem, and family and marital happiness. It also assists in strength and recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, marital breakdown, and killer disease Political socialization essay, Without considering these factors when signing in new laws, policymakers will be ignoring crucial facts about their community.

Religion plays a key role political socialization essay a community in America. Though political socialization essay lines between law and religion are gray, policy makers must determine how to political socialization essay religion to their advantage. The people they represent are of different religions, and not respectfully listening to all of them could harm or insult political socialization essay community. Section A Every industry that exists out there serves a specific purpose for its customers.

Organizations in the mass media industry offer their own content. Producing and offering content is the basic mandate of the mass media. The media deals with producing content for the electronic channels, print, political socialization essay, and the internet. One of the main functions that the media does in its delivery of services is the selection of the content to be delivered. This is because time and space are limited resources to the media. It is a difficult decision-making process to decide what they will include and exclude from content coverage. Therefore, it means that there are some stories that never make it to the audience through mass media.

Both internal and external factors influence what is to be included in the content to be covered by mass media houses. The first and most conspicuous one is the…, political socialization essay. This idea has since been abandoned. The mythology of the Amazons, a matriarchy of warrior women, has been discounted as no more than a myth, one deriving from the deep-seated fear on the part of males that they might lose their power and authority. In matrilineal societies, men tend still to monopolize the rights of power. Some Chinese anthropologists believe political socialization essay stories of true matriarchal societies in some regions of China in the past, but this is uncertain. A matriarchy would be presumed to be less warlike and more nurturing as a social order and would not subordinate men in the way men have done to women in the patriarchal society.

The formulation and operation of power in the largely patriarchal social order in the world today divides along other line than gender, with political action influenced most by ideology, religion, divisions of power, and other aspects of group…. References Adler, F. Nations Not Obsessed with Crime. Littleton, Colorado: Fred B.

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Kochanska, G. Inhibitory control as a contributor to conscience in childhood: From toddler to school age. Child Development, 68, Paulussen-Hoogeboom, M. etal Parenting style as a mediator between children's negative emotionality and problematic behavior in early childhood. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, , 3 , -- In addition, the structure and presentation of required, basic course material are more goal-oriented and motivating to meet the needs of students. While critics initially charged that Net-based learning was vastly inferior to traditional classroom settings, some now wonder if traditional education will survive as the transformational possibilities of Net-based learning, teaching and developing course content are fully realized.

he answer is a resounding 'yes'. he reason is that net-based learning can be designed to include some elements of socialization, but not all. Physically attending college is a great experience. Colleges shape students' lives and teach values, ethics and cultures that are unique to schools. Often, one can tell which school a person has attended just by listening to the person's communication style. Going to an online school is different. Students can have a great learning experience in an online school, but students may not get a chance to fully…. Teachers will have to adapt to the new role of the student on the Net. For instance, the teacher role must shift from being a leader to being a coach as student autonomy in the learning process increases.

The traditional methods of oral and written review of assigned textual material will no longer be the way to measure learning. Instead, students will measure and document their own learning progress. Within the knowledge building community, teachers will be one expert of many and must now function as a "team of experts" rather than as a sole source of expertise. With regards to course development, technologies in Net-based learning such as multimedia, hypertext, and search engines for ubiquitous information access "are creating non-linear and multidimensional learning environments" to support student autonomy. The answer is a resounding 'yes'. The reason is that net-based learning can be designed to include some elements of socialization, but not all. Students can have a great learning experience in an online school, but students may not get a chance to fully immerse themselves the culture of the college they are attending.

Colleges offer interactive environments and encourage students to participate in extra-curricular activities. Students join different clubs and student unions at the colleges, and participate in debates, games and sports. These activities help shape students' lives and characters. Online learning communities can offer only some of a college's social environment; it can never replicate the same degree of face-to-face interactions. According to Peters , "Although distance education and Net-based learning will significantly impact university learning, the traditional university will not be lost because it provides experiences that are unavailable to the distance learning student. As a result, "the university of the future will be a mixed mode university and distance education will be a prominent if not the fundamental element in it.

national symbols used in marketing products, sometimes to evoke a feeling of viewpoint, sometimes to add credibility to the project, and sometimes to actually encourage the consumer to purchase based on the symbol. The American Flag, for instance, is used in marketing to prove that something is American made or that purchasing it will help America; it can also be used in certain political campaigns to evoke the feeling of patriotism and therefore the desire to use that particular product to be patriotic. The American Eagle is often used in the same way -- to purchase minted coins, stamps, or as a symbol of freedom and individualism. Flags or strategic positioning of symbols Mexican sombrero, Irish flag or Leprechaun, etc.

help consumers identify the nation with the brand. DP -- Enculturation is a learning process in which an individual learns the values and behaviors required of them to belong…. food increasingly popular a leisure activity. Background Information: Food people solely 'food fuel'. Food,, aspects a leisure activity: shopping [ farmer's markets], eating, cooking, reading, TV viewing, blogging. Food as a Leisure Activity Conditions in the contemporary society have made it possible for people to change their perspective regarding some concepts and things as simple as food have come to represent a leisure activity.

Individuals are no longer interested in eating with the purpose to satisfy this need, as many people presently regard cooking and eating as an art. Moreover, one needs to focus expansively on these concepts in order to harvest all the benefits associated with making and eating food. Food has reached a whole new level in first-world countries, considering that the financial condition that people in these countries have virtually enabled them to see food as being more than just a necessity. Numerous individuals are actively…. Works cited: Adema, Pauline, "Vicarious Comsumption: Food, Television and the Ambiguity of Modernity,"Journal of American and Comparative Cultures Legal Transplants The objective of this study is to discuss and compare two legal transplants with reference to at least one African or Asian legal system.

For the purpose of this work, Turkey and legal transplants will be examined. The work of Orucu states that Chiba relates the "concept of legal pluralism…as an effective attack on the common sense of orthodox jurisprudence by rejecting the 'oneness of state law as law or university of western law. Bibliography Dai, J. Journal of Politics and Law, Sept. Gunderson, JL and Waelde, TW Legislative Reform In Transition Economies: Western Transplants -- a Short-Cut to Social Market Economy Status? ICQL , 43 2 , Oguz, A. Pace International Law Review. Article 9. Fall Orucu, E. Int J. values that drive human societies change over time, and in many instances the political environment will reflect those changes. By the early s, scholars were recognizing that there were significant shifts in the values of the world's most advanced industrial societies Inglehart, The basic values of generations, he notes, change based on the "changing conditions influencing their basic socialization.

This need not to open, violent conflict, but a conflict between ideas. Younger generations view the world as theirs to inherit, and want to begin setting the tone for the world they want to see as soon as possible. Peak generations see themselves as running the world in their image, an opportunity for which they have waited, while older generations wish to maintain relevance, and in many cases still retain significant formal power. References Blotken, F. In an environment of insecurity: Postmaterialism in the European Community, to Comparative Political Studies. Clarke, H. Measuring Value Change in Western Industrialized Societies: The Impact of Unemployment. The American Political Science Review.

The effect of economic priorities on the Measurement of value change: New experimental evidence. American Political Science Review. Davis, D. Postmaterialism in world societies: Is it really a value dimension? American Journal of Political Science. Whatever happened you vanished, and neither you nor your actions were ever heard of again" Orwell, , p. Capitalism Principles of mass production are very clear in the novels. Huxley for instance, applied the idea of mass production in human reproduction, since the people has abandoned the natural method of reproduction.

Mass production as the conventional feature of capitalism and Huxley's novel reinforces such. He talked about the requirement of the World State about constant consumption, which is considered as foundation of its stability. Huxley apparently criticizes the commercial dependence of the world towards goods. Conditioning centers teaches people to consume. Orwell similarly provides criticism to capitalism as well: "The centuries of capitalism were held to have produced nothing of any value. Destruction of the concept of family oth novels….

Bibliography Bessa, Maria de Fatima Individuation in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Island: Jungian and Post-Jungian Perspectives. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Beniger, James K. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Greenberg, Martin H. Olander and Eric S. No Place Else: Expectations in Utopian and Dystopian Fiction. Southern Illinois: University Press, Grieder, Peter. Grace Van Dyke Bird Library, Bakersfield, CA. Sunrise Foster Senior Community The Older American Act OAA was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on August 14, The purpose of the law was to provide for the needs of an increasing number of older persons in the United States. The specific objectives of the law included strategies to maintain the dignity and welfare of older individuals.

To accomplish this, the law created a vehicle for organizing, coordinating, and providing these services and opportunities not only for the older individuals themselves, but also for their families Administration on Aging, In , Congress is considering reauthorization and some amendments to the OAA to take effect in Specifically, three mechanisms are under scrutiny to be involved in this process: Administration on Aging AoA -convened Listening Forums; OAA eauthorization Input Events; and Direct Input via the AoA Website or Mail. In order to carry out the mandates of the….

References Administration on Aging Older Americans Act and Aging Network. Department of Health and Human Services. aspx Binstock, R. From the great society to the aging society - 25 years of the Older American Act. Generations, Vol. Research indicates that entreprenuership can be both the cause and effect of economic development in the sense of wealth distribution. hese three components are labor, capital, resources and innovation. According to Mamede and Davidsson , considering that the three driving forces of entrepreneurial success - founders, opportunity recognition, and resource requirements - are more likely to occur in a combined way, there are better chances to prosper in regions in which wealth is more equitably distributed.

hese researchers have also observed that members of such societies are in a more favorable…. The GEM report also indicates the changes in the percentile of the growth of gross domestic products over a three-year period. Sweden's percentile of growth in gross domestic products for was 4. The change from the previous year for Sweden was -. Sweden's total entrepreneurial activity for was 6. China's statistics were not located on the GEM report. The GEM report also indicated a constantly negative relationship between the quality of the infrastructure and the level of necessity entreprenuership, as well as the lack of relationship between framework conditions Reynolds et. al, Necessity entreprenuership was most prevalent in developing nations such as Thailand, India and China, where financial support, education, training, and infrastructure are clearly absent Reynolds et.

Entreprenuership-enhancing programs and policies implemented in a number of developed countries, principally in the European Union, have only resulted in modest levels of necessity entreprenuership Reynolds et. This research indicates that there is substantial uniformity across the GEM countries with regard to the concepts, language, and judgments utilized. Additionally, it supports the notion that this uniformity is especially prominent among the more developed nations and may have evolved very similar infrastructures in support of entrepreneurial activity. Most new firms receive their initial financial support from informal investments made by family, friends, and associates.

An extremely small proportion of the most promising firms receive funding from venture capital firms, which are a specialized form of formal investment. Informal flows were estimated in the GEM report by means of asking all those in the adult population surveys if they had made an investment in a new firm, not their own, the past three years. The GEM report indicates the amount of venture capital invested as a percent of gross domestic product for each of the countries on the report. A large portion of all businesses are owned and managed by families or groups of relatives.

Sweden was one of the 10 countries in which family owned businesses were started with family sponsored entreprenuership. Again, China was not included in these statistics. Do we allow this country to be totally dependent on imported oil? Should we keep gasoline prices low to prevent development of alternatives or take necessary steps now to create a change in the present Gas Guzzling life style? Roberts, P. April Snead, M. And Martinez, R. html , February 6, Media Control in Egypt The media in Egypt is much more controlled than in many other countries, including the United States. That control began with President Gamal Abdel Nasser, moved through Anwar Sadat, and then on to Hosni Mubarak.

During that time, the television and newspapers were strictly controlled, and only what the president wanted people to see was placed in them. There is significant evidence that the control of the media in Egypt was done largely to oppress the people, and to make sure they were only hearing and seeing what the government wanted them to hear and see. Social, political, and economic factors are all significant in the control of the Egyptian media, which many believe should be uncontrolled and independent. That would allow it to provide actual, factual information, instead of only what the government agreed that the people were allowed to know.

Introduction The Egyptian media…. References Amin, Hussein, and I- Chapter One: General Status. Hussein Amin. Arab Rule of Law. Elmasry, Mohamed Hamas. Journalism with Restraint: A Comparative Content Analysis of Independent, Government, and Opposition Newspapers in Pre-Revolution Egypt. El Zahed, Hala. Likewise, woman in Saudi Arabia are still suppressed enough that they are not allowed to drive on the road. When recently one Saudi woman rebelled and was jailed and the foreign media raised the issue, the government of Saudi Arabia stood firm by their laws pertaining to female liberties in the face of the international media. Provide an overview of hegemonic masculinity The concept of hegemonic masculinity is a normative notion that promotes the idea of male dominance and power over the opposite gender in the society.

Since the societies that adhere to patriarchal structure see gay men as 'weak' according to social norms, under the concept of hegemonic masculinity a normal 'strong' male member of the society is not only expected to have power over the females but also the 'weaker' males. In such social structures when male members cannot attain financial successes, they exercise their power by…. References Connell, C. Polity Press. Adler, L. International Handbook on Gender Roles. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Gender Roles and Faculty Lives in Rhetoric and Composition.

Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. Masculine Gender Role Stress and the Pursuit of Muscularity. Blogs and social networking have altered our daily usage of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Of that, we can be certain. But how exactly has this change evolved, and what specific effects is it having on Internet and Web usage patterns around the world? This paper addresses the history of blogs and social media, and shows their state of development now. This brief introduction will segue into a discussion of the various personal and professional applications for both blogging and social media. Additionally, sections on political applications and implications will round out the discussion on how social media and blogging have changed the ways people communicate and receive information.

Finally, it would be remiss to ignore the confluence of hardware, software, coding, applications, and protocols that have led to revolutions in the ways people use their digital devices. Tablets and smartphones are the physical manifestations of the changes…. References Barnes, S. A privacy paradox: Social networking in the United States. First Monday 11 9. Boyd, D. Friends, Friendsters, and MySpace Top 8: Writing Community Into Being on Social Network Sites. Social software in academia. Educase Quarterly.

DiMicco, J. Motivations for social networking at work. In Proceedings of the ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work. The presence of water is also central to the architecture of mosques, albeit for religious more than aesthetic purposes. Conclusion: Two Squares, Two Cultures The Place de la Concorde shares more in common with the Maidan-i-Shah than is immediately apparent. The two squares are about the same size: around 8 hectares. Both have been used for multiple purposes and whisper the changes that have taken place within their respective cities. Political and social life has centered on each of these public spaces.

More than a century separates the two squares, as the Maidan-i-Shah in the early seventeenth century and the Place de Louis XV in the mid-eighteenth century. The architecture and intended use of the two squares proves to be radically different. Unlike the Maidan-i-Shah, the Place de la Concorde serves no religious function. The lack of places of worship as part of the city square speaks directly to the…. References Boyer, M. The City of Collective Memory: Its Historical Imagery and Architectural Entertainments. Carmona, M. Public Spaces, Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design. Oxford: Architectural Press. The Center for Design Excellence n. Public space. Urban Design. html Craven, J. Public spaces: cities, towns, and landscapes.

com Guide to Architecture. This entertainment is the ceremonial or festive taking of alcoholic drinks at events called "beer parties. The rule in these beer work parties are adjusted to the particular workers involved. It invokes the overall value and morality of helpfulness and reciprocity, which are part of beer-drinking events. It is an expression of a general interdependence between homesteads. Ordinary beer parties emphasize the general principle of mutual helpfulness and mutual relationships in homesteads.

ut beer parties for harvest give thanks to ancestors for the homestead's harvest. These parties give recognition to those who plow the homestead's garden McAllister. A recent analyzed the relation between cooperative work and beer drinking. It found that beer drinks served as a contact point of everyday activity and ideas in the Xhosa society in…. Bibliography CESA. The Xhosa. People Profile. Central Eastern Southern Africa, htm Christian Action. The National Suicide of the Xhosa. Vol 2. The Christian Action Magazine, Cornwell, Jane. Sweet Sounds of Freedom. The London Independent: Independent. Business communications are official and face-to-face meetings are always preferred to indirect communications. At the specific level of negotiations, it is important to note that, during negotiations, only the seniors in the team will speak.

The negotiation process is slow and advancements are made in an unhurried rhythm. The Chinese people are non-confrontational individuals and they will avoid saying "No. In China, the negotiations do not focus on specific and measurable goals, but their emphasis falls on assessing the negotiation partner and seeing whether the relationship can be further developed. Since the Chinese are calculated people, decision making will often take a lot of time, until the locals are convinced of their future actions. The American counterparts are advised to always remain calm, or they will lose "face" and irremediably damage the relationship. The foreigners….

References: Feenstra, R. Ownership and control in outsourcing to China: estimating the property-rights theory of the firm. National Bureau of Economic Research. Hira, R. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. World report China. Human Rights Report. The world factbook -- China. Central Intelligence Agency. html accessed on September 25, Conflict Theory-The Relationship between Sociology and Criminology Theorists, on, social conflict propose that crime, in general, is triggered by conflict in the class system, as well as, laws that have been shaped by individuals and groups in power to safeguard their interests and rights. All acts of crime have political nuances, and Quinney refers to this as crime's social reality.

Research attempts to confirm the conflict method; on the contrary, have not generated significant results Seigel, Moreover, sociologists ponder over the social patterns that exist among social classes and the complications that arise from conflict between such social classes. They try to establish the relationship between deviant behavior and social class. These are some of the considerations and ponderings of sociologists when examining the Social conflict theory. The theory explores issues to do with inequality on societal settings. The theory states that the laws and norms adopted by society….

Sociological Theories Do laws serve to help the masses or do they serve the "propertied and privileged few? com, Theorists and Sociological concepts On one hand, it could be argued that the privileges of the wealth and fame offered by Bryant's status gave him added media protection. However, it could also be alleged that in a rape trial, given the seriousness of the offense, one cannot presume a defendant's guilt. Although societal prejudices may condemn the women's sexual behavior or mental instability, in the past American history of justice, Black African-American males have frequently and falsely been accused of violating white women as means of "keeping them in their place.

influential theories related to deviance by Robert K. Firstly, the paper provides the historical context within which the theorist produced their ideas. Secondly, the paper provides a summary of their original theory. Thirdly, the paper provides a discussion of how the model has been critiqued and altered as new research has emerged. The historical context within which the theorist produced their ideas There is huge contribution of influential theories related to deviance by Robert K. As a matter of fact, He is considered one of the most significant sociologists of modern times. Moreover, he has also made large number of contributions to the criminology field. Undoubtedly, Merton influenced various fields of science, humanities, law, political theories, economics and anthropology Cole, , p.

Merton's introduced numerous concepts like anomie, deviant behavior, self-fulfilling prophecy, strain, middle range theory and…. Bibliography American Sociological Review html Bernanke, Ben, S. Bivens, T. Robert K. Merton Draft. Florida State University Publications Calhoun, C. Remembering Robert K. Papers in Honor of Robert K. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Organizational change in any sector implies moving away from the present state and "toward some desired future state" in order to increase the effectiveness of the organization Lunenburg, , p. The impetus for change could be a crisis or, in the case of criminal justice agencies, policy change. Changes to technology or financial resources are other examples of external forces of change that could impact a criminal justice agency.

Criminal justice agencies also respond to internal forces of change, including demands to change organizational culture, policy, or procedure. The primary approaches to manage organizational change in criminal justice agencies include recognizing the need for change and the forces instigating it, planning effectively for change, and implementing change strategies that coincide with organizational goals and values. When change has become inevitable in a criminal justice agency, it may also be helpful…. References Bodor, T. Criminal justice cultures in the United States. pdf Lunenburg, F.

Forces for and resistance to organizational change. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal 27 4. Stojkovic, S. Criminal Justice Organizations. Fifth Edition. Umbreit, M. Restorative justice: Implications for organizational change. National Institute of Justice. Culturally, Mt. Elbrus represents an immovable beast of a mountain, and the ussians and Soviet Union have taken full advantage of this image when using it in propaganda campaigns Shklarov, After the Nazi's captured Priut 11 in , the ussians sent a bomber to destroy the structure, which was a few thousand feet below the summit.

The Nazi's that took the Priut had climbed Elbrus and hoisted a giant Nazi flag at the summit, further emboldening the ussians to take back the mountain and the hut as both a propaganda action as well as a way to visibly defeat the Germans. According to official records, the only bomb to have landed near the hut destroyed the fuel tank Shklarov, But the Nazi's and later, archaeologists studying the event disagreed that the fuel depot was even significantly damaged during the bombing. The ussian pilot was none the less awarded…. References Helman, Adam. The Finest Peaks: Prominence and Other Mountain Measures. Trafford Publishing: Victoria, Canada. Horton, Patrick; Simon Richmond; Mark Elliott; and Steve Kokker. Russia and Belarus. Lonely Planet: New York. Hurley, Michael. The World's Most Amazing Mountains.

Raintree: Chicago. Since the terrorist is from the U. Since Kaczynski had a motive, or manifesto that he wanted to promote, it is interesting to note that he was so successful at not being caught. Often time domestic terrorists are quite bold, and willing to get caught as long as their message is delivered to a large amount of people. Most often domestic terrorists hold right-leaning beliefs, and Kaczynski is no exception Chase, His thoughts and anger toward the leftists helped propel him through the UNIBOMBER campaign, and gave him the fuel to both write a manifesto as well as carry out attacks against other U.

The familiarity with other citizens also makes the UNIBOMBER case quite chilling, since it is tough for many people to consider the fact that another American is bombing his…. Works Cited Chase, Alston. Retrieved February 8, Comey, James B. Fighting Terrorism and Preserving Civil Liberties. University of Richmond Press: Richmond, VA. Kaczynski, Theodore. Oxford Press: New York, NY. Such an ascription "both distorts the substance of his thought and grossly exaggerates his actual influence on the politics of his country. society [just needs to be] freed from these meddlers There may be some degree of truth to what Trask by the very fact that he is writing in the Journal of Libertarian Studies he becomes in effect….

References Columbia Encyclopedia William Graham Sumner; Lester Frank Ward. McClay, Wilfred M. The Socialization of Desire. Silberman, Richard. Herbert Spencer on Education - Prophet or False Prophet? Journal of Education, 2 , seasons of life" that are characteristic of Western societies. Name the rites of passage that mark the transitions from one period of life to the next. Seasons of life: Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood, Old Age, and Dying. Rites of Passage: Puberty and struggling to gain independence and learn their own identies in the transition from Child to Adult some religions have Bar and Bat Mitzvahs or Communion ; marriage, maintaining a family, and participating in all aspects of society in Maturity; Status as matriarch or patriarch and declining health mark the passage of Elder to Death.

Over half of all women over 65 are widows, whereas only What factors account for these statistics? Answer: As socialization takes over men become more aggressive, and more individualistic which results in higher rates of accidents, violence, suicide, and hazardous behaviors like smoking and drinking in excess leading…. Transactional leaders use the extrinsic motivators, to get goals met within an organization, as stated by Suliman This type of leadership used internal reward or punishment mechanisms to get employees to follow their directive. Transactional leaders usually leave the current organizational structure and goals intact, since the characteristic of these leaders is not effective in situations that require change.

Suliman, also argue that some leaders are very passive and only get involved if the necessary actions are contrary to the overall goal or achievement of the organization. Visionary leaders are usually characterized as individuals who do not compromise their personal integrity for the overall goal of any organization or process. These leaders do not portray ordinary character traits, since they are usually concerned with direction or organizing action based on new possibilities or a progressive agenda as argued by McIntosh and Tolson These are usually interested…. When dealing with students from a wide variety of cultures and levels of ability, enhanced self-consciousness on the part of all members of the classroom can promote tolerance within the learning environment.

The awareness of the classroom's 'hidden' assumptions can foster greater self-consciousness and compassion regarding those who are less fluent in the norms of the hidden curriculum. The hidden curriculum of social assumptions thus is least harmful when it is not so hidden. An effective teacher cannot eliminate all social norms from the classroom, nor would this be desirable, but the teacher can grow more self-conscious and explicit about her expectations. Some of the teacher's assumptions might be valid, others might not be, but not until the rules of the hidden curriculum are revealed can they be fairly upheld. Hidden rules are often arbitrarily enforced, and frustrate those who do not understand them.

The 'hidden curriculum' has been viewed…. References Deutsch, Nellie Hidden curriculum paper. The University of Phoenix. Retrieved March 21, at www. doc Hasler, Angela. Sparhawk's Hidden Curriculum. Sparkshaw School. Retrieved March 21, Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Government Political Socialization Essays Political Socialization Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. Background The concept of political socialization can be traced as far back as Plato's philosophical works such as "The Republic" in which he looks for ways to develop… Works Cited Dawson, R.

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It is difficult to predict what kind of a person will emerge as a result of such socialization. To make the latter process more predictable and effective, it needs innovations and improvements in terms of both refined empirical research and the developing theory. To summarize, political socialization is the process that forms political values, beliefs attitudes, opinions, and ideas about politics. It impacts the behavior of people in the social sphere. Political socialization is affected by many different factors. Several studies have shown that it is not convincing enough. That is why, the concept of political socialization has been criticized.

However, opportunities to advance the field are myriad. Suggestions for its improvement include dealing with members of the global community who have shared interests, using advanced technologies, and teaching civic skills to a diverse audience. Political Socialization. Free essays. Limited Time offer! Do you need professionally written papers? Place your order on our website to get help from qualified experts! Order now.

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