Friday, December 24, 2021

Career plan essay sample

Career plan essay sample

Based on these insights gained, this course has direct applicability to career plan essay sample career plan. Taxing Retirement Income: Nonqualified Annuities and Distributions from Qualified Accounts. Provides a partial summary of plans for contributing to at least one professional nursing community as well as the general community, in the healthcare professional role, within the first year and at five years. References Ashkanasy, N. It is also noted that agents working for the U. Retrieved from U. An example of such benefits that are not related to gender is offering child care leave to both spouses to ensure that both men and women employees participate in child care in their respective homes, career plan essay sample.

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Introduction When people think of organizational assets, often the first thing that comes to mind are tangible assets; money, machinery, vehicles, computers, raw career plan essay sample, and finished products, career plan essay sample. Often times, organizations forget about their […]. My First Career Choice My first career choice is a physical therapist. Introduction At the moment I am planning on becoming a pilot. The reason I am interested in pursuing this career is because I have been traveling all of my life pretty much going back and forth between parents, I have always found it interesting.

I remember being a little girl and they would take me […]. Database from the Engineers Board of Kenya Database from the Engineers Board of Kenya shows that there are 1, registered professional engineers, registered consulting engineers and 12, graduate engineers. This highlights the critical need for capacity building and knowledge transfer to the younger generation of professionals in the engineering practice with requisite skills to […]. Growing up in rural Wilcox County, her parents had a very prosperous business of home renovations. Makeitha had a passion and love for interior designing every since she was […].

Career fields and Specific jobs I want to go into business because I already took business and management for two years at MPHS. I would love to own my own […]. Intro To Business And Technology The career that I have in mind was becoming a veterinarian since I was in middle school. Once I started high school I was doing much more research than before. Luckily this career was my interest and type in any way possible. Although […]. Introduction If I wanted to pursue a career in the Human Resource Department, I would have to have a respectable degree or certification of this field. It is very important for myself to have strong communication skills when taking many calls and speaking with employees.

Stepping into this job field I should also be ready […]. Introduction So what is Sport Management? The areas that I would like to focus career plan essay sample is sport law and sport […]. The quantity of advantages related with a high school diploma is incomprehensible. Presently you can investigate the always developing open positions with a high school diploma or GED. A large portion of my beloved recollections comprised of dreaming to turn into a cop, career plan essay sample. Protecting a local area from crooks, shows that you need to be a saint to your local area. Essay examples. Essay topics. Most popular essay topics on Career plan prepared by our experts:. Roadmap to Development of a Career Development Program Introduction When people think of organizational assets, often the first thing that comes to mind are tangible assets; money, machinery, vehicles, computers, raw materials, and finished products.

Career and Academic Planning My First Career plan essay sample Choice My first career choice is a physical therapist. Career Planning Research Project Introduction At the moment I am planning on becoming a pilot. My Personal Career Plan Database from the Engineers Board of Kenya Database from the Engineers Board of Kenya shows that there are 1, career plan essay sample professional engineers, registered consulting engineers and 12, graduate engineers. Career Fields and Specific Jobs Career fields and Specific jobs I want to go into business because I already took business and management for two years at Career plan essay sample. Intro to Business and Technology Intro To Business And Technology The career that I have in mind was becoming a veterinarian since I was in middle school.

Career Research Plan Introduction If I wanted to pursue a career in the Human Resource Department, I would have to have a respectable degree or certification of this field. Sports Career Planning Introduction So what is Sport Management? Why is a High School Diploma Important The quantity of advantages related with a high school diploma is incomprehensible. My Dream is to Become a Police Officer A large portion of my beloved recollections comprised of dreaming to turn into a cop. Didn't find the paper that you were looking for? Any subject, career plan essay sample. Pay if satisfied.

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Since it is often used as part of a formal application process, a career goals essay has to conform to certain writing rules. Your essay should be well-structured and meet all the general requirements that apply to a formal essay. Usually, this essay consists of the following sections:. Introduction The purpose of the introduction is to grab the attention of the reader and make them want to read your career goals essay until the end. You can start with the formulation of a problem and its essence, a thought-provoking question or quotation. Try to create the right emotional mood. Explain how career choices and the realization of professional goals matter a great deal to you. Once you have a clear idea of what the essay is about, you will have an easier time crafting the introduction.

Example: "When I was a child, I hoped that I would have superpowers one day. I thought that the ability to fly or be invisible will enable me to fight crime. That was my idea of making a difference in the world. Now that I have grown up and find myself having to make important career decisions, I realize that I wish to become a special education teacher. With a more realistic perception of life, I believe that this is truly an effective way to make a difference in our world. Body The body explains the main idea of your essay, which is about your career goals. Clarify what you wish to achieve in your career.

Then, explain what made you set such goals and how you intend to achieve them. Whether writing about one or more career goals, you must include a strong thesis statement to let the reader know why you are applying for your desired degree program or job position and a few good points to support the statement. In addition, explain why you are relevant for the degree program or job and what sets you apart from other candidates. Example: "There are several reasons I chose this career path. First of all, I love children. Being around them, finding ways to make educational programs interesting to them and investing in their development are among my greatest passions.

I will never be bored with the responsibilities that come with becoming a special education teacher. I observed my parents while they were working and helped them with some of their tasks. That is what I want to do in the future as well. Additionally, I am ambitious by nature. Finally, I want to become a special education teacher because I welcome the challenge of educating extraordinary children. I understand the hardships of this field of work, but I am not afraid of the challenge. I believe that every student is special in many different ways, and the opportunity to help them discover themselves is a blessing.

html GRE. Graduate Record Exam. html Harvard. html Houston. The U. Marshal Service position involves perhaps more dangerous duties than that of the FBI agent. esponsiblities include locating fugitives, going on lengthy assignments that often involve surveillance and stakeouts. Accordingly, essential skills include patience. It is also noted that agents working for the U. Marshal Service should be experienced, organized writers who can efficiently file reports. The video also noted that those with experience in law enforcement stand a greater chance of getting hired. My qualifications for the U. Marshal Service position are similar to my strengths regarding the FBI agent position.

I am an accomplished, lucid writer and my strong physical build would assist me when engaged on dangerous assignments. Additionally, my itinerant upbringing makes me uniquely qualified for extended, two-week assignments. Although I do not have experience in law enforcement, I feel my skills in other areas more than compensate for this particular deficit. The ICE Special…. References German, Mike. Thinking Like a Terrorist: Insights of a Former FBI Agent. Washington, D. Blumstein, a. The criminal career paradigm. Crime and Justice, 30, One of the most unique performances of Karloff's career was narrating the Dr. Seues cartoon "How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Karloff was the coach of the UCLA cricket team. He also liked to hike. His wife was not an actress, and they had one daughter together, Sara Jane born in Karloff was kind-spiritied and generous, donating large amounts of money to charities for children.

He was also a charter member of the Screen Actor's Guild, and was quite active in the movement to get safer working conditions for movie actors in the s. After many successful films, he returned to theatrical acting on roadway in , when he starred in the first production of "Arsenic and Old Lace. Bibliography Skidoo et al. Career Advancement "Why a company should hire you as a personnel, operations, deployment manager. I have been exposed to a variety of high-pressure situations and have always handled myself in a diligent and professional manner. I have experience as a program integrator and deployment manager, a deployment readiness officer and logistical coordinator, a central issue manager, and a deployment mission manger.

All of these positions have provided an environment in which I have been able to fine tune many of the skills that are needed to fulfill a personnel, operations, and deployment manager. I attribute much of the success that I have so far achieved in my career to my self-motivation and military professionalism. The military taught me a lot about maintaining a professional composure through some…. Career Goals Please discuss how you plan to achieve your short-term and long-term career goals. What challenges will you face and how will you leverage your professional and academic experiences to achieve these goals? I look forth to supervising a group of between 5 and 8 by the end of my degree program. This will not only give me an opportunity to market my skills within the company and beyond, but will also be a door-opener for the realization of my middle-term goal, which is to be the leader of the structured….

Professional Career Action Plan I am student majoring in science at the University of Phoenix. Upon my graduation I would like to use my skills to make a different in the communities that I serve and also in my home community. These are the main factors that I will consider during the period of advancing my career. My career development will be guided by several goals each of them will take varying periods to achieve. However the most important of all is for be to make an impact for humanity over the period that I will be working in the health sector. I have made several consideration and also put in mind that I will first have to start at a particular point and slowly progress through my career to become a highly qualified and successful person in the health care sector will I believe will also be essential for….

References Rothwell, W. Career planning and succession management: Developing your organization's talent -- for today and tomorrow. Westport, Ct: Praeger Publishers. Lock, R. Job search. Taking charge of your career direction. Powers, P. Winning job interviews: Reduce interview anxiety, outprepare the other candidates, land the job you love. Franklin Lakes: Career Press. assist the line managers and their employees on the correct approach for the creation of individual development plan IDP. The document provides a step by step guide, aiming to support both the employee and the supervisor in the process.

The IDP is a focus on the needs and career aspirations of the employee, but should be considered a strategic tool not only for the employee to realise their ambitions, but also for the employer, who will benefit from the implementation of the plan. Not only will the employer benefit from the additional skills and knowledge gained by the employees that they can use in the workplace, the provision of the support, longer training development will also support motivation Buchanan and Huczynski, Employees who feel the employer cares are more likely to be motivated, and the provision of training development may also satisfy some elements present on Maslow's hierarchy of….

Some commonly used career aptitude tests include the ACT's formerly American College Testing EXPLOE testing regimen that examines 8th and 9th grade students' career aptitude using a battery of tests that provide a range of potential occupational choices. According to ACT's promotional material for the EXPLOE test, "This information can help you learn more about careers, clarify your goals, and begin to plan your future -- including your high school courses and, perhaps, a college education" Your future, , para. Likewise, the EXPLOE handbook for states, "With thousands of occupations in the work world, where do you begin? Your EXPLOE…. References Bell, J.

Buckling down: Achieving and underachieving in the first year of university. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 34 1 , Career aptitude tests. Career Explorer. Karma, K. Musical aptitude definition and measure validation: Ecological validity can endanger the construct validity of musical aptitude tests. Psychomusicology, 19 2 , career interest is accounting. Accountancy falls into three areas: accounting, bookkeeping, and auditing. I choose accounting since it will give me a solid employment with a lucrative wage and this is what is important to me. I have also learned that it can be fun in the investigative way if I se it as such. The work conditions are fine -- not too tedious and best of all I can structure them at my convenience. I can work either for an institution or be self-employed.

Chances for advancement also depend on myself and, best of all, I can find global opportunities in any and every business.. References Accountants and Auditors. Career Information. com Accounting Jobs Today. html Alba, J. Vault career guide to accounting. New York: Vault, c psychiatrist, Viktor Frankl, while suffering numerous hardships in his life as a prisoner of war in a Nazi work camp that included being isolated from the rest of the world including his family along with the prospect of facing at the hands of his captors death every day began to question the meaning of his own existence and the meaning of life in general. Frankl eventually came to the conclusion that people derive meaning from their lives as either as result of their suffering, their ability to love another, and their work Frankl, These benefits occur at any age; therefore, by continuing to remain in the workforce elderly people can both produce benefits to their community….

References Australian Bureau of Statistics. Retirement and retirement intentions. Canberra: Author. Beier, M. Work performance and the older worker. Sage Handbook on Aging, Work, and Society, 16, Center for Disease Control. Older employees in the workplace. In National Center for chronic disease prevention and health promotion. Cummings, T. Organization development and change. Stanford, CT:. career path of being an entrepreneur in the health and fitness industry. In pursuing my career in the field of health and fitness I aim to open a personal training studio that offers the clients personalized care and approach and helps them to stay fit and healthy along with alleviating the stress and pressures of day-to-day life.

As also discussed in detail in part one, my marketing objectives and business plan is quite clear, whereby during the first 12 months of my career I would like to start and own a fitness and training center offering various specialized health and fitness services to my clients. I would also provide my clients with value added services like physical therapy and rehabilitation services. As far as the three-year approach is considered, after the three years of my business I see myself approaching new markets and expanding my clientele and business in various…. References: Active Marketing Group Health Club Industry Review. Biz Plan Corner Sample Business Plan. com aspx [Accessed: 27 Oct ].

gov Professional Plans and Career Objectives Goal Statement for Insert Name My career mission is to work in a dynamic team-oriented company performing financial analysis and helping to guide key decisions related financial projections that direct capital expenditures. I enjoy the mechanics of small details and insuring compliance to specific budgets, report types and the impact that this type of granularity has on recommendations for major decisions within a company. My pre-college work experience taught me the differences between customer service, labor, and accounting and finance. The hands-on work I performed in a service industry provided me with an appreciation for customers and the need to efficiently do a good job but this type of career left me without a sense of challenge.

Eventually I felt drawn to the back office as I learned that the payments and processing and efficient entry of data surrounding transactions was the lifeblood of the…. It is the role of the career counselor to work with the diverse populations and help guide them to success through building their confidence in their abilities. Conclusion Career counseling is a profession in which the counselors have an impact on the national workforce and its direction, though many professional counseling majors in college ignore career counseling as a potential career. As the world continues to diversify and globalize the impact career counselors have on society will continue to expand. eferences Herr, Edwin the future of career counseling as an instrument of public policy.

Career Counseling in the Next Decade Career Development Quarterly Bysshe, S. The economic benefits of career guidance. A review of current evidence [Occasional paper]. Derby, England: The University of Derby, the Centre for Guidance Studies. Herr, E. Working in America: The implications for theory and practice of the Fourth…. References Herr, Edwin the future of career counseling as an instrument of public policy. Paper presented at the ninth National Career Development Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. Kileen, J. The economic value of career guidance. London: Policy Studies Institute, Department of Education and Employment. personal marketing plan with the intention of marketing myself to my future employer. This is my first step into the management profession and I am excited to settle into a job in this field.

This Personal Marketing Plan PMP will guide me on the areas I need to focus more as far as my career is concerned. I am an American resident having completed all my studies here. Throughout my elementary and secondary years, I held various positions such as class representative. Later, I got an admission in the University and since I was inclined to the commerce side, I opted to major in management. After completing this course, I intend to sort out today's market needs and the employment opportunities just within the country Herrick My belief is that improvement and continuous innovation are the keys for competing in the currently challenging market. I have done extensive research…. My notable contributions in this capacity include obtaining investment funding and sponsorships, securing a co-production partnership with Storm , a leading West African entertainment company, and forging media partnerships with HiTV, Silverbird TV, NN24, and BusinessDay among others.

In addition, I established and implemented overall business objectives of becoming a world-class production and broadcast company offering international broadcast content to strengthen the spirit of enterprise and human development throughout Africa and across the globe. Furthermore, I played an integral role in representing company in key business negotiations. career in architecture actually began when I was a child, when with wonder-filled eyes I beheld the designs and finished plans both my parents produced. My father is an architect, the principal in his own company.

My mother is a painter and the owner of an interior design firm. Both of my parents' passion for their work inspired me to pursue a career along the same path. Throughout high school and college, I sought personal, academic, and professional means by which to manifest my dreams, such as taking any courses that were relevant to the field. Because of both school and my parents' presence in my life, professional resources were plentiful for me. I have plenty of visual images imprinted my mind as a result, too. Therefore, my eventual decision to pursue architecture in college naturally stemmed from my early experiences and passion for creativity, form, and function.

My first…. career when you first started taking classes? Now that you have performed research and written your professional plan, how have your thoughts changed? Prior to taking COMM , what did you think would have been appropriate sources or research strategies? Have your thought changed? How did this influence your evaluation of the sources you have used in other research papers? I, actually, was quite vague about the term Information Literacy and Research ILR and did not consider myself needing the instruction. Until now, I had thought that if I would need certain information, I would simply type it into the browser if using the Internet or withdraw some book from the library.

I think I was also not particularly discriminatory in my sources. The author who had a PhD following his name was preferable to me, but otherwise I followed that which appealed to me and, as I later discovered,…. Sources Association of College and Research Libraries Information literacy competency standards for higher education. Chicago, IL: The Association of College and Research Libraries. PIE MODEL PIE The task is to teach the students about the commercial fishing impact on the seal population in the ANW area.

Completion would be determined by the students showing a good understanding of what all is going on. Information that should be included would be what is involved in the fishing process in ANW and places like it, why seals are endangered and impacted by that activity and so forth. References Newby, T. Educational technology for teaching and learning 4th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Growth and Development Introduction Comment by babyliza: This part discusses the qualities of a good leader. I believe it should discuss the qualities of an individual's effectiveness, both in personal and professional life.

Not a leader, so it's out of topic. Just like the lions and the bees, human are social beings and live in communities sometimes small or large. Daily, we relate one way or another with each other either at home or at our places of work. Irrespective of the form of communication employed, either in person or via phones or emails, our communication and method of relating with other people has an impression on them either positively or otherwise. To this effect, there are certain skills that everyone should become proficient at so as to sustain healthy relationships and perform tasks more quickly; these skills are referred to as the Interaction Essentials.

They are very helpful in…. References Development Dimensions International. Interaction Essentials: What They Are and Why They Matter. Development Dimensions International, Inc. pdf Mills, C. Keeping Your Professional Development Continuous. The Guardian. How to Reach Self-Actualization -- Maslow's 8 Proven Methods. Actuaries The Jobs ated Almanac has printed five editions from to Society of Actuaries, n. In two of these editions, "actuary" was rated as the best career in terms of environment, income, employment, outlook, physical demands, security, and stress. In two other editions, "actuary" was rated as the second best career. In only one other edition was it rated fourth. The data used to calculate these findings came from trade association and industry group studies, as well as government sources such as the U.

Census Bureau and the U. Bureau of Labour and Statistics. In addition, Actuaries were rated number six by PayScale. This paper will further explore the role and purpose of an actuary, the use of mathematics within this career, and how…. References Braverman, B. Top-paying jobs. Department of Mathematics. Actuarial studies. University of Texas at Austin. Kouba, D. Why choose a mathematics-related profession? University of California. The growth of the NP role in the modern advanced practice nursing field is also attributable to the increased demand in primary care services.

Given the increased demand of these practitioners, the nursing education field is increasingly encouraging more individuals to enroll for nurse practitioner roles. However, he needs to include time in his day to address long-range management objectives, as well as deal with the inevitable problems that come up over the course of an ordinary workday. Also, he needs to schedule different, less important events on different days than his more important events. In the day described in his scenario, too many things were slotted into his schedule to cope with over a single day. Then, when additional problems began to emerge, he was unable to cope with them effectively.

Sam was evidently so overwhelmed that he did not even realize equally pressing problems that had come up, like the confidential employee files that were exposed. This is another persistent concern that should be addressed, and slotted into his long-range plans. Sam is busy, and he accomplishes the bare minimum to get work done for a day, and he may 'get away' with this…. Directing a teenage girl with a young child to programs that can help her complete high school and gain financial assistance to survive and feed her toddler requires knowledge of the social safety net available that clients themselves often lack.

The soul of the profession is one which balances compassion, clear-sighted reason, and a motivation to take immediate and productive steps for change. The soul of the profession is to offer compassion, effective and informed assistance without judgment. Preparing for the profession thus begins with gaining an academic degree. But it also requires seeking out real-world situations through volunteering to learn more about the world. Having the critical and open mindset that is necessary for the profession is reinforced by seeking out books, newspapers, and other sources of information about the world and the challenges my clients may encounter. Taking a course in introductory social work is important because it…. oles in Environmental and Social Sustainability The field of environmental and social sustainability is characterized by different roles and responsibilities that are accomplished by various professionals in the field.

As evident in previous analysis, environmental and social sustainability is wide given the varying components of this profession. The broad nature of the profession is evident in the fact that people in this sector are trained on various aspects including sustainable, economic, environmental, social, and economic development. In essence, environmental and social sustainability is a broad discipline that provides students with insights regarding various aspects of the human world including business, technology, social sciences, and the environment Environmental Science, It is important to identify a specific role and pursue it in order to be successful in the field of environmental and social sustainability. Correlation of oles in this Discipline As previously mentioned, the field of environmental and social sustainability has….

References AccountAbility. Certification as a Sustainability Assurance Practitioner. pdf Binghamton University. Transferable Skills. pdf Environmental Science. What is Sustainability and Why is it Important? I want to help people in any career I go into, but this career will not only help the patient, but it will also assist people detect their problems. This program helped me find the careers that were as close as the real career that I want to be in. So they have to have a backup plan, and choosing a backup plan might be hard. Knowing that they would want to do something that they enjoyed, and not have a boring career. Once the all of that is set they actually get to go out and start planning, working, and building there project.

Working as a engineer there is a career ladder and the higher you go more loot coming your way. There is no other career like engineering that provides this combination of magic Type a new keyword s and press Enter to search. Career plan Word Count: Approx Pages: 1 Save Essay View my Saved Essays Downloads: Grade level: High School Login or Join Now to rate the paper. Essays Related to Career plan 1. Essence Of Career Planning. Word Count: Approx Pages: 2. HVAC Technician Career Analysis. Word Count: Approx Pages: 3 Has Bibliography Grade Level: High School.

Robert Moses and Urban Planning. Word Count: Approx Pages: 5 Grade Level: Undergraduate. My Business Career Goals. A Career in Psychology. Word Count: Approx Pages: 3 Grade Level: High School. Career Goals. Landscape for a career. Word Count: Approx Pages: 7 Grade Level: High School. Career Naritive. Word Count: Approx Pages: 2 Grade Level: High School. A Career in Engineering.

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