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Problem solution essay sample

Problem solution essay sample

Answer: The question you have written is fine, but here are a few other possibilities:. By ata Answer: A great way to start any problem essay is to give a story about someone experiencing the problem. No solution can solve all the problems. They think they can do what they want, problem solution essay sample, when they want. Operations management is a complex area, one that deals with problem solution essay sample issues of productivity, process improvement, inventory, capacity, forecasting and quality assurance from a single viewpoint, always working to keep ones best face forward while working to ensure that the manner in which the company is run is smooth, profitable,


This problem solution essay example is about the issue of professionals leaving their own developing countries to go and work abroad in more developed countries. An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. For this problem solution essay example question you need to brainstorm the kinds of problems that developing countries will face if they start to lose important workers, such as doctors and teachers. Remember you need to make sure you relate your ideas specifically to the question and not make them too general.

Simply saying that there will not be workers is not enough as a developed country would face these same problems. For instance, in the UK there has been a loss of doctors, who have moved to other countries for better work conditions. So you need to make sure you specifically relate your response to the issue of developing nations. When you brainstorm solutions, you should again not make them too general. Try to think of some specific ideas with detail. You should spend about 40 minutes problem solution essay sample this task. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

The primary goal of many people is to provide for their families. However, for poorer nations, what that often means is that many experienced professionals end up seeking a better life in the more developed nations, causing problems to their mother country. The main problem of this exodus of workers is that the poorer countries often lose their top specialists and are left with novices. These professionals often have the skills and ideas to significantly boost the economy, which is important to improve the standard of living of its residents. The loss of these workers is why developed countries keep improving while the poorer countries remain stagnant. Aside from the brain drain, the other issue is the lack of needed personnel. With so many people exiting the country or leaving their jobs to fulfil the requirements to work abroad, there is often a void in the workplace.

For example, in many developing countries, hospitals and schools are often understaffed, causing a decline in services. Though such problems have been going on for quite some time, there are plausible solutions, problem solution essay sample. The first is to offer what the migrating professionals are problem solution essay sample for: proper compensation and benefits. Doing this will require a lot of coordination and possible tax breaks to make things work, but the results will be well worth it if the talented and experienced workers can stay. The second solution is to prevent workers from leaving until they have served the country for several years.

Thus, should the experts go, at least the people left behind will not be fresh graduates anymore. Most governments spend much on their citizens' safety and problem solution essay sample needs and, therefore, it is right that the workers first contribute to their economy before being allowed to leave. In summary, while it is good that the global economy requires workers from all corners of the world, it is not ideal that poorer countries suffer because of it. The public and private sectors need to work together to mitigate this problem before it is too late. The problem solution essay example meets the requirements of the task as it discusses both problems and solutions and uses ideas and examples to support the various points.

The response also ensures that the problems are related to issues of developing countries. For example:. I know that's not academic language, but it's the truth! View the eBooks. This IELTS map practice exercise improves your skills in the language of location for maps, problem solution essay sample. Choose the correct word to fit in the gap. You are living in a University residence, problem solution essay sample, and you have a problem with the high levels of noise from a new campus restaurant which is open until midnight.

You are going to another country to study, problem solution essay sample. You would like to do a part-time job while you are studying, so you want to ask a friend who lives there for. IELTS Writing IELTS Speaking IELTS Listening IELTS Reading All Lessons Vocabulary Academic Task 1 Academic Task 2 Practice Tests. Copyright © IELTSbuddy All Rights Reserved. IELTS is a registered trademark of University of Cambridge, problem solution essay sample, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. This site and its owners are not affiliated, approved or endorsed by the University of Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia, problem solution essay sample.

Home Writing Speaking Reading Listening Lessons Tests Blog. Problem Solution Essay Example This problem solution essay example is about the issue of professionals leaving their own developing countries to go and work abroad in more developed countries. This is the question: An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. What problems does this cause? What solutions can you suggest to deal with this situation? The problems of professionals moving abroad to work.

Write about the following topic: An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in problem solution essay sample countries. Write at least words. Sign up for Free IELTS Tips! Before you go don't miss getting the score you need! Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Reddit WhatsApp. Enjoy this page? Please pay it forward. Here's how Would you prefer to share this page with others by linking to it? Click on the HTML link code below. Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable.

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psychology essay sample

Aside from the brain drain, the other issue is the lack of needed personnel. With so many people exiting the country or leaving their jobs to fulfil the requirements to work abroad, there is often a void in the workplace. For example, in many developing countries, hospitals and schools are often understaffed, causing a decline in services. Though such problems have been going on for quite some time, there are plausible solutions. The first is to offer what the migrating professionals are looking for: proper compensation and benefits. Doing this will require a lot of coordination and possible tax breaks to make things work, but the results will be well worth it if the talented and experienced workers can stay. The second solution is to prevent workers from leaving until they have served the country for several years.

Thus, should the experts go, at least the people left behind will not be fresh graduates anymore. Most governments spend much on their citizens' safety and basic needs and, therefore, it is right that the workers first contribute to their economy before being allowed to leave. In summary, while it is good that the global economy requires workers from all corners of the world, it is not ideal that poorer countries suffer because of it. The public and private sectors need to work together to mitigate this problem before it is too late. The problem solution essay example meets the requirements of the task as it discusses both problems and solutions and uses ideas and examples to support the various points.

The response also ensures that the problems are related to issues of developing countries. For example:. I know that's not academic language, but it's the truth! View the eBooks. This IELTS map practice exercise improves your skills in the language of location for maps. Choose the correct word to fit in the gap. You are living in a University residence, and you have a problem with the high levels of noise from a new campus restaurant which is open until midnight. You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while you are studying, so you want to ask a friend who lives there for. IELTS Writing IELTS Speaking IELTS Listening IELTS Reading All Lessons Vocabulary Academic Task 1 Academic Task 2 Practice Tests. Copyright © IELTSbuddy All Rights Reserved.

IELTS is a registered trademark of University of Cambridge, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. This site and its owners are not affiliated, approved or endorsed by the University of Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. Home Writing Speaking Reading Listening Lessons Tests Blog. Problem Solution Essay Example This problem solution essay example is about the issue of professionals leaving their own developing countries to go and work abroad in more developed countries. This is the question: An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries.

What problems does this cause? What solutions can you suggest to deal with this situation? The problems of professionals moving abroad to work. Write about the following topic: An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. Write at least words. Sign up for Free IELTS Tips! We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Problem Solution Essays Examples. In most cases, problem-solution essay represents an argumentative writing piece where a particular challenge is chosen as a research topic.

Once a problem is identified, one or more solutions are offered with brief explanation as to why specified method has been chosen. Tasks of this type are usually divided in two important parts: the first should identify the problem and tell about possible causes, the rest of the paper proposes solutions, thus persuading an audience that offered research method is efficient. Before allowing the readers to examine the claim of a thesis statement, remember to introduce a list of reasons that help explain why particular problem exists. Choose your topic: Essay examples. Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Disorders in Women 4 Pages.

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Disorders in Women View essay example. Postpartum Depression Among Canadian Women 3 Pages. Postpartum Depression Among Canadian Women View essay example. Systemic Discrimination Against Women Firefighters 6 Pages. Systemic Discrimination Against Women Firefighters View essay example. Teenage Drug Abuse In The United States 3 Pages. Teenage Drug Abuse In The United States View essay example. Prescription Drug Abuse Among Teenagers 4 Pages. Prescription Drug Abuse Among Teenagers View essay example. STDs: The Hidden Silent Killer 5 Pages. STDs: The Hidden Silent Killer View essay example. Anxiety Disorder Among Children and Ways to Prevent It 2 Pages. Anxiety Disorder Among Children and Ways to Prevent It View essay example.

Anxiety Disorder: the Mind Which Plays All the Game 3 Pages. Anxiety Disorder: the Mind Which Plays All the Game View essay example. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Teenagers 4 Pages. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Teenagers View essay example. The Influence Of Corporal Punishment On A Child 2 Pages. The Influence Of Corporal Punishment On A Child View essay example. Cannot find an essay? Try advanced search. An essay that identifies the problem or an issue, providing several ways to resolve it. A typical problem solution essay example is river pollution or youth gang problems. Include a description of a problem with statistical data or references.

As a rule, a solution is offered with due analysis. All problems and solutions examples must include strong argumentation and references. How to write a problem solution essay?

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