Dog Hunters Association argues for the right to use dogs in hunting. References Albanese, M. The solution to out-of-control gangs in the United States. I was given this homework, but I am really confused. Siranush, start your paper with a story about someone who is depressed and then problem analysis essay topics statistics about depression. Get topics. Here are some similar topic ideas:.
������ Problem Solving Topics about Society
A problem solution essay is a type of persuasive essay. It is commonly used for subject exams or IELTS problem analysis essay topics tasks. We will also provide a variety of good topics for problem solution essays to ease your writing process. But first: check out our custom writing service in case you need academic assistance! When starting to write an essay, think about a problem in the community that needs to be resolved, problem analysis essay topics. Sometimes, you will get a ready topic, like at an IELTS exam. The topics might vary, but the outline of an essay will remain the same. First, write a list of actions that can help to solve the problem analysis essay topics. Then, pick the three that you like best and evaluate them.
Problem solution essays consist of two paragraphs: problem description and solution. The first section is generally divided into several parts:. In the solution section, you need to identify several potential solutions and evaluate their effectiveness. It should include:. Now, you have a general idea about the writing process. To help facilitate your writing, take a look at the topic ideas below. Social issues are problems of every level that influence the members of our society. They may refer to various factors, such as racial inequality or bullying, that affect the well-being of people or the community as a whole. Here are some problem-solving topics problem analysis essay topics will help you start writing.
The educational system is riddled with issues. You can think of numerous drawbacks that need to be addressed to make education better. Below are several examples of problem solution essay topics that will inspire you to write. A significant number of issues can arise while managing a business or creating a startup. It can be related to anything from cybersecurity to marketing strategies. If you are into entrepreneurship, consider choosing a problem solutions topic from the list below. We will write a custom essays specifically for problem analysis essay topics Problems related to health and mental well-being are common in the modern world. The following problem solution essay topics will give you an idea of where to start.
There are more global problems that need to be resolved. Animals have existed on our planet way before the emergence of humans. Factory farms, fur industry, poaching— all of these issues require a solution. Scientific and technological processes are complicated and riddled with issues. Advances in these fields increase as well as worsen the quality of human life. Another excellent idea for your essay is to write about the problems in your community. Think about the issues that need to be resolved, and start your writing. These topics will facilitate your creativity. Problems are not always serious and yet require a solution.
Take a look at the funny problem solution essay topics list, problem analysis essay topics, and choose the one you like the most. Thank you for reading this article! Hopefully, these topics will help you write your problem-solution essay. Participating in a student exchange program is a perfect opportunity to visit different countries during your college years. You can discover more about other cultures and learn a new language or two. Keep in How can you define America? This article will help you dive deeper into this versatile subject.
Here, you will find: Early and modern US history topics to write about. Are you looking for perfect feminist topics? With our help, you can be sure to craft a great essay. Some people think all feminists hate men. Feminists are people of all genders who believe that they If you have an assignment in politics, look no further—this article will help you ace your paper. Here, you will find a list of unique political topics to write about compiled by our custom writing team. Keep reading if you want to: See how to tackle political essay topics in your paper; Choose a topic that will be interesting for you to research; Refresh your knowledge of essential political concepts.
A balanced and wholesome diet improves our immune system. It lowers the risk of getting sick and makes us more productive. You see, nutrition topics are more In modern societies, problem analysis essay topics, people do everything to live peacefully. Still, tensions often arise. We call them social issues when they start negatively impacting a specific group of people. Poverty, problem analysis essay topics, discrimination, and addiction are examples of such problems. We need to confront them to ensure equal treatment for everyone. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible.
If you continue, problem analysis essay topics, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Learn More. Toogle TOC. Provide the definition of the problem, some general background, and thesis statement with possible solutions. Give clear examples on the issue so that readers can understand it better. Two or more possible solutions. Conclusion with a summary of the main points of the text. What are the ways to alleviate or prevent poverty? What are the ways to ensure privacy in the digital age? A vast number of girls get pregnant and give birth before the age of What are some ways to reduce the teenage pregnancy rate in your country? What are the ways to solve this issue? Despite an increase in public awareness about the adverse effects of racismthe issue persists. How can we eliminate it?
Unemployment negatively affects the living conditions of many people. It also facilitates such issues as domestic violence and depression. How can unemployment rates be improved in your country? Education is a fundamental human right, yet many people in some developing countries remain illiterate. How can we solve this issue? How can we better promote healthy lifestyles? Victims of domestic violence often develop physical disabilities, chronic health problems, and stress. In what ways can we reduce domestic violence in our society? Inequality in payment, sexual harassment, and difficulty getting promoted are some of the issues women face at workplaces. What can our society do to increase equality? How can we promote healthier beauty standards?
When children observe violent behaviors, they become more aggressive. In what ways can we prevent them from witnessing violence? How can we improve this situation? The ownership of guns increases the chances of unintentional shootings, which can result in casualties. How can gun control policies be improved? The consumption of illegal drugs often leads to overdosing, problem analysis essay topics. In what ways can people be persuaded not to do drugs? Drunk driving is the leading cause of vehicle accidents. What is the best way to restrict people from doing it? Human trafficking is a grave problem that affects countries all over the world.
How can it be prevented? Women often report being sexually assaulted while in college. What can we problem analysis essay topics to reduce this problem?
globalisation essay
They usually come up with a list like this:. There are more causes, but using this sample list, I tell my students that if they wanted to solve the problem of homelessness, they would probably pick one of these causes as the most important and create a solution which focuses on that cause. For example:. If they think drug addiction is the most important problem, they would focus on drug rehabilitation programs. However, if the cause they identified is not the most important or only reason for the problem, that solution might not be effective. Question: What do you think of the topic, "How can students be more attentive to the classroom? Answer: You could address this question to either an audience of students, trying to give them ways to pay better attention and make better grades, or to an audience of teachers, trying to explain to them how they can increase the attention of their students.
Answer: You have an excellent topic idea! However, that question is more of an explaining essay rather than a problem solution. If you are doing a problem solution essay, you might want to word it differently. Actually, here are some different questions for the topic of volunteering with the type of essay in parenthesis. In these sample questions, I'm using "homelessness" as the topic but you could substitute any other type of problem in your community:. What is the most effective organization to volunteer in to help the problem of homelessness?
How can we best solve homelessness? problem solution and your answer would be through volunteering. Question: What do you think about the essay topic "What should be done about the problem of texting while driving? Answer: Excellent question which makes it clear what the focus will be. You can make a good opening by sharing some statistics about accidents and how texting is similar to driving while under the influence. You can discuss solutions that are laws and also talk about how each person needs to choose to follow those solutions. It is easy to turn on an app or the setting which won't let you text while driving. I think it makes a good ending of this sort of essay to encourage the reader to use that solution for their own phone use.
Do you have any suggestions? Answer: I have thousands of topic ideas, to search for a particular topic, the easiest way to find it is to Google the topic, my name, and the website, Owlcation. That is actually what I do when I'm trying to find all of the articles I have on a particular topic. For this situation, you can Google search just highlight, right click and do "search" for: "Healthcare VirginiaLynne Owlcation. Answer: A story that makes the problem seem essential and dramatic is the best way to start a problem solution essay.
There are a lot of issues in the world, and if you want your reader to think yours is an important one to solve, you need to catch their attention with something they will remember. A good story is an excellent way to do that. It can be a personal story, a news item, a typical made-up scenario, a real-life story or even part of a movie plot that demonstrates the problem. Follow that up with some statistics showing the importance of the problem for a wider audience, and you will have a great start! Question: What do you think of the topic, "How can college students balance their studies and social lives? Answer: Many students struggle with this topic while they are in college and you can probably get a lot of good ideas for how to solve this by talking with your fellow students.
Here are some similar topic ideas:. Question: How would you recommend writing an essay topic for the question, "What should be done to decrease teen suicide"? Answer: The question you have written is fine, but here are a few other possibilities:. As you can see, each of these narrows the topic a bit and suggests the direction of your solution ideas. Question: How is "How can we help homeless people in our community" as a problem solution essay topic? Answer: Any of these topics on social problems could be used for this sort of essay. Question: What do you think of "How can we make education better for kids who have trouble in school?
Answer: You have an excellent question. It might be good to narrow down the idea of "trouble in school" to be more specific. Do you want to talk about bullying? Or are you interested in academic trouble? Another interesting topic is how to help students who are gifted but underachieving. A final idea is a question that asks about how to make education better for students who don't want to go to college and want a career preparation and internship track. Question: How can I develop "What can be done to make college more affordable? Answer: 1. What can parents and students do in order to make college more affordable? Question: What do you think of, "How can schools help develop a healthier society?
Question: How would "What can be done to prevent divorce" serve as my problem solution essay topic? Question: How does this work as a problem solution essay question: What can be done to make sure that people today actually know how to have "real" relationships? Answer: Your question is one that many adults are wondering; however, I think that you will need to be careful to define what you mean by "real. Here are some other ways to word this question:. Many people today face anxiety and stress about relationships. How can we help people have deep and meaningful relationships? Does spending a lot of time talking by texting or other written communication make relationships less "real?
Question: What do you think of the topic, "How can we improve the welfare system to break poverty? Does government housing, food stamps, and other assistance really help people get out of poverty? Question: When writing a problem solution essay, how would I write an introduction and conclusion regarding the strengths and weaknesses of two types of organizations? Answer: One way to do this is to do give several short stories one after the other. These can be stories that show a comparison of the two organizations, or ones that show both weaknesses and strengths. Question: Can you help me find a topic for a research paper? I thought about maybe doing something related to the challenges patients face when participating in clinical trials.
Answer: That is actually a rather interesting question. Here are some ways to word it to make it a problem solution essay:. How can doctors doing a clinical trial make the patients feel more comfortable about participating? How can patients decide whether to participate in a clinical trial for a serious condition like cancer, knowing they may be getting a placebo? Question: What do you think of the topic, "How can we improve literacy? Question: How is "what is effective gun control? Answer: That topic is more of an explaining essay or an argument.
If you are writing a problem solution essay, I'd suggest the following:. Question: What do you think of the question, "How can college students study effectively and earn better grades? Answer: You have an excellent question, and looking at the research on this would be helpful for your work in college. In fact, I always enjoy it when students do a topic like this because it lets the rest of the class think about what makes an effective schedule for studying. Often, I suggest that students interview people they know who make good grades or seem to have good study habits. Question: How can I explore a possible solution to the problem of my problem solution essay? Question: What do you think of the topic, "how can I solve problems in my area?
Answer: Solving problems in your own local area is a great way to focus for this sort of essay. However, you need to focus on just one particular problem to solve. No solution can solve all the problems. Here are some examples:. Answer: For most students, the biggest challenge is time management. Question: I'm having difficulty with my essays because I never know how to start an essay and I don't know how I should start the introduction. Clearly, the introduction is the heart of the whole essay. So, I am facing that problem. How should I think through the introduction? Answer: In a problem solution essay, the introduction is very easy. You simply have to describe the problem, and then the last sentence is something like: What can we do to solve this problem?
Then you write your thesis, which is your idea about the solution. Question: How would you recommend writing an essay topic for the question "How can I do a better job as a parent than my parents did for me? Answer: Problem solution essays are such a useful form of thinking and expressing yourself because by learning this process you can not only try to solve issues in a community or the world but also your own personal problems and interests. Before you write on this topic, you would have to make sure your instructor lets you write about personal issues. However, even if they do not, you can actually work out this essay by turning it into a universal question: How can parents do a good job in parenting when they have had a difficult growing up?
The key to answering these kinds of questions is researching the best ideas for good parenting and comparing that with the parenting techniques that are familiar to you. Question: How can I start my first paragraph in my research essay which is talking about the need for more awareness of the nursing shortage? Answer: A great way to start any problem essay is to give a story about someone experiencing the problem. It can be a personal experience or a typical situation. In the case of the nursing shortage, you can either use the experience of a typical nurse who has too many patients to care for and is feeling stressed or doesn't have the time to do a good job, or it can be a patient who has to wait too long, or has the nurse miss some important health information because they don't have the time to spend with them.
Perhaps the patient is thirsty or has to go to the bathroom and has too wait too long for help and soils themselves. After you tell a dramatic story illustrating the problem, it is also most effective if you give some statistics showing the extent of the problem. Use your statistics or statements from an authority to convince the reader that your story is not just an isolated incident, but is actually a common situation that needs correcting. Question: What do you think of this topic as a writing sample for a post-grad program, "How to prevent the stigmatization of special needs children in the society? Answer: You have an interesting topic idea.
To develop it, you need to look at research to find out what has worked to best incorporate special needs children into communities. You can also ask families, and special needs teachers for ideas of what they have found makes the children most feel included. Question: What do you think of an essay topic about relieving stress in college? Question: What do you think of the topic, "What can be done to help relieve stress in college? Answer: That is a good topic but pretty common. Question: How can I write an essay on cyberbullying and how it can affect our social problems? Answer: In a problem solution essay, you want to have a topic which gives you a chance to offer a solution. Here are some better ideas:. What can schools do to make sure that they help students to work together to prevent cyberbullying?
Question: What do you think of the topic, "What is the best way to prevent DUI and deaths due to drunk driving? What is the best way to help people who are terminally ill have a good end-of-life experience? How can we be sure that people who use the Right to Die laws to end their life really want to make that choice? Summarize your essay here and restate your thesis. Evaluate the ways of problem solution you have found. The problem and solution topics listed above will also make great topics for your problem and solution speech. Home · Study Tips · Essay Topics · List of Problem and Solution Essay Topics Has Got You Covered.
List of Problem and Solution Essay Topics Has Got You Covered Minnie P. Walker on June 12, Minnie P. Essay Topics. You have been successfully subscribed to Homework Lab blog! Remember, you need to be very accurate in your writing and support your statements with references. You may be able to write about just one solution if it is complex enough. However, for most issues, we recommend three solutions because this number works best with our proposed problem solution essay structure. The simple way to organize your problem solution essay ideas is by using the five-paragraph essay structure. Here is how it looks like:. If you have a more complex topic, like a breathing problem solution, you can write more than three body paragraphs.
After all, there are at least five effective solutions to this problem that we can think of. And remember, always start your writing with a problem solution essay outline. You can create it in just 10 minutes by doing some research, and it will most surely prove to be invaluable. We agree, reading at least one good problem solution essay example is very important. It shows you how to organize your writing, how to present your problem and your solutions, and how to support your statements. However, we feel that good problem solution essay topics are even more important. Think of it this way: no matter how well you write, if the topic is boring, your audience will eventually get bored.
But when you come up with amazing, captivating, and breathtaking topics for problem solution essay, your writing instantly becomes much more interesting. Most people, including your professor, want to learn new things. But they most surely are interested in solutions to the greenhouse effect — or in solutions to the obesity issue. And rest assured — there are plenty of topics even more interesting than these. Bottom line, if you want to impress from the moment you read the introduction and the thesis statement, your problem needs to pique the interest of your professor instantly.
And you will get bonus points as a reward — guaranteed! Remember that for each problem, you need to find at least three solutions and discuss them. You can discuss more than three if the problem is complex. However, you should avoid presenting just one solution. You may get penalized for this, so be aware. And now, here are the 50 problem and solution essay topics you have been waiting for:. The problem solution essay topics you choose for your academic papers are very important. You will write essays faster if you choose smart topics.
You will get bonus points if the topics are interesting. You will not have to do extensive research if you pick a topic you know something about. Pick any topic on our problem solution essay topics list and use it for free. We are just happy to help! Back to articles Best 50 Problem Solution Essay Topics On Web August 14, The Simple Problem Solution Essay Structure The simple way to organize your problem solution essay ideas is by using the five-paragraph essay structure. Here is how it looks like: You start your problem solution essay with a captivating introduction that presents the problem or the situation. Then, you write three body paragraphs, each discussing a single solution. You wrap everything up with a strong conclusion that reiterates the solutions and emphasizes why they are the best.
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