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Political philosophy essay

Political philosophy essay

Ultimately, social justice allocations are the true remedies for inconsistencies in law applications within the legal system, political philosophy essay. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE. Political philosophy essay references to these assumptions and framework of thinking, political philosophy essay, my discussion pertaining to justice; execution of liberties; ownership of property in the society, articulation of human rights; application of the law along with measures of enforcement, will be embraced. The philosophers specifically advanced that there are basically two reasons for executing justice by politicians. With regard to the first, the legitimacy of political power, the most fundamental questions that political philosophers raise surround the very existence of politics: Why should there be a political power in the first place? The contribution that these philosophers have made towards political governance and streamlining government systems has been notable. Copied to clipboard Click here for more help with MLA citations.

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Political philosophy is a subfield of philosophy that focuses heavily on the political, legal, political philosophy essay, and moral implications of different schools of thought within society. It is a field that goes back thousands of years to the time of Socrates, and more recently Machiavelli and Hobbes. These topics are covered below, or consider Ultius' other topics within the humanties and philosophy for additional information. Over time, a number of philosphers have tried to delineate the inter-related political philosophy essay of morailty, justice, and the place of indiviudals within society, political philosophy essay.

This essay will focus on Machiavelli's concepts of power, Socrates' emphasis on justice, and Thomas Hobbes' exploration of central political authority political philosophy essay his publication Leviathanas well as Hobbes' understanding of selfish morality. When choosing between identifying with either the Socratic school of thought or a Machiavellian Prince, political philosophy essay, it is important to answer the question of how important power is to the individual. From a personal standpoint, I must admit that Political philosophy essay identify with the Machiavellian point of view and therefore would rather be a Machiavellian Prince instead of a Socratic gadfly, which is a person that acts as a stimulating and provocative, though negative, agent of change.

Instead of acting under the premise that humans are inherently good and moral, political philosophy essay, and therefore achieves gains through good, Machiavellian has a more pessimistic attitude to human nature. In the present day, there is greater acceptance of the idea of changing moral judgementsinstead of one set of rules, for a number of philosophers and writers. Machiavelli though, focuses not on morality, but on power. He pushes for the notion of the preservation of power by those that obtain it. Machiavellian points out. Machiavelli's themes on the use of power by individuals and institutions are even used to study the complexities of Shakespeare. Ultimately, Machiavelli argues that in terms of power, the end justifies the means. Socrates operates under a much different premise when compared to that of Machiavellian.

Instead of assuming the inherent cruelty of some men, this doctrine preaches the importance of questioning why those that have power are able to morally have authority over others, political philosophy essay. The major doctrine comes from questioning the reasoning and rationale for any and all of the actions of those in power. That being said, Socratic methods are usually a means of carefully justifying through political philosophy essay actions that are morally permissible for all parties involved. The major rationale for discussing Machiavellen principles grows from this ideology, which allows for swift, political philosophy essay, efficient action in any given situation.

Socratic gadfly is an excellent means for making sure political philosophy essay every possible action is justified in that it can reduce all actions to a series of questions and, subsequently, ask if those political philosophy essay out said actions are justified and morally permissible in doing so. But, the downside to such a thorough course of action is that it can slow down any real action to a crawl and a major debate that can ultimately end in a stalemate. A political issue or event can be quickly resolved because by the Machiavellian principle, one needs to simply arrive by whatever means possible to the optimal solution.

The major issue that derives from this principle is in that of the people that have power under such a system. The major drawback and argument against adopting a Machiavellian system of political ideology, more fully discussed in the essay on Machiavelli's The Prince, is that those in power will misuse it for their own personal benefits while oppressing and harming those with no power in the process. However, if one makes this argument than they must also be opened to the possibility that the system can allow for a truly benevolent individual to take control of a political system and, with the ability to act decisively, can make swift, just, and fair actions to lead a group or state.

When examining how it seems that most entities operate in the world today, it seems evident that the vast majority of political groups operate under a very Machiavellian system. The UN practices a carefully executed, debated approach before taking any action, and as a result, political philosophy essay, many feel this organization is relatively weak and powerless in terms of being able to take action and get the political process moving. On the other hand, when the President of the United States makes an executive order, immediate action is taken. This is usually in response to an impending issue or concern that needs immediate action. Though the action can sometimes lead to the harm of a few, the country tends to follow a idea of justifying their actions by the results.

Being that I am a person that wants to be able to make swift, decisive political philosophy essay, I identify with the Machiavellian school of thought. Thomas Hobbes is an early American political thought leader and as one of the most influential minds in terms of political philosophy and will, most likely, remain so for centuries to come. His work Leviathan has been called one of the most political philosophy essay pieces of writing in modern political ideology, rivaling the works of many famous minds including Plato, Aristotle, Locke, and many others. Hobbes believes that humanity is in need of a strong, central authority in order to be kept in control and not descend into a state of chaos and political upheaval.

Leviathan is a way in which Hobbes furthers his ideas as laid down by his social contract theory. The Leviathan is a metaphor for the figurehead that would rule the commonwealth that Hobbes suggests and also can be seen in relation to the monster of the seas of both folklore and biblical references. In the text, Hobbes makes the general statement that when reduced to the most principle features of nature mankind is inherently both violent and full of fear driven actions. In this state, mankind is constantly trying to destroy one another in the hopes of gaining others resources and other material possessions while maintaining their own safety. To combat this state political philosophy essay pure fear and fighting, Hobbes speculates that man will want to find peace and in doing so move to this state by following the principles that he has laid out in his social contract.

Hobbes' views on selfish morality means that he believes humans are inherently not good. This is not to say that mankind is purely evil, but Hobbes seems to operate under the notion that mankind will not be unwilling to hinder others for his own personal gain. Based on this logic, Hobbes calls for a form of government where an unbiased opinion is the one in charge of a particular society. In this sense, Hobbes' shares a scholarly interest in political philosophy essay of morality that have also been studied and explained by Descartes and Descartesian morality. Yet, Hobbes hoped to establish an authority of absolute power that will act in such a way as to better the society as a whole.

Those that are governed by this system will want to follow it. Hobbes is quoted as saying that man will define morality in such a way that it will only preserve those persons own self-interests. By putting a person that is supposedly removed from that society, Hobbes feels they will be able to not pass judgments that are biased to their own self-interests. Unfortunately, if Hobbes truly believes that this is the way in which humankind will act when left to his own vices, the Leviathan of this society will eventually act in such political philosophy essay way that will benefit his or her self interests to some extent.

Perhaps this sort of government would, theoretically, be possible in the time that Hobbes originally wrote Leviathan, however such a system could not be possible today. In modern society, the world is so interconnected that someone with such absolute power would clearly make decisions for a group that would have repercussions felt by that individual. Hobbes operates under the simple premise that mankind will do only what is in their own interests when left alone. This pessimistic view on society lead Hobbes to create the social contract theory that subsequently lead to the underlying ideology of Leviathan.

The advancement of technology has made the repercussions of all nations actions interwoven so that we are now entering a time of global dependency and awareness. Hobbes, Thomas, and J. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Machiavelli, Niccolò, Thomas More, Martin Luther, William Roper, Ninian Hill Thomson, Ralph Robinson, political philosophy essay, Robert Scarlett Grignon, political philosophy essay, and C. The Prince. New York: P, political philosophy essay. Ultius, Inc. Ultius Blog, 14 Jan. Click here for more help with MLA citations. Sample Essay on Political Philosophy. Click here for more help with APA citations.

January 14, Click here for more help with CMS citations. Click here for more help with Turabian citations. Ultius is the trusted provider of content solutions and matches customers with highly qualified writers for sample writing, academic editing, and business writing. Ultius is the trusted provider of content solutions for consumers around the world. You read that right —We're giving away free scholarship money! Our next drawing will be held soon. Apply today for your chance to win! Claim Offer. Made in USA Live Chat Chat with us. Ultius New client? Click here Didn't find what you're looking for? Request Support Get help via email. More options ALISA Chatbot Messenger Live Chat specialist. Writing Editing Get your existing paper edited improved by a seasoned professional.

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Being that I am a person that wants to be able to make swift, decisive actions, I identify with the Machiavellian school of thought. Thomas Hobbes is an early American political thought leader and as one of the most influential minds in terms of political philosophy and will, most likely, remain so for centuries to come. His work Leviathan has been called one of the most significant pieces of writing in modern political ideology, rivaling the works of many famous minds including Plato, Aristotle, Locke, and many others. Hobbes believes that humanity is in need of a strong, central authority in order to be kept in control and not descend into a state of chaos and political upheaval. Leviathan is a way in which Hobbes furthers his ideas as laid down by his social contract theory.

The Leviathan is a metaphor for the figurehead that would rule the commonwealth that Hobbes suggests and also can be seen in relation to the monster of the seas of both folklore and biblical references. In the text, Hobbes makes the general statement that when reduced to the most principle features of nature mankind is inherently both violent and full of fear driven actions. In this state, mankind is constantly trying to destroy one another in the hopes of gaining others resources and other material possessions while maintaining their own safety. To combat this state of pure fear and fighting, Hobbes speculates that man will want to find peace and in doing so move to this state by following the principles that he has laid out in his social contract.

Hobbes' views on selfish morality means that he believes humans are inherently not good. This is not to say that mankind is purely evil, but Hobbes seems to operate under the notion that mankind will not be unwilling to hinder others for his own personal gain. Based on this logic, Hobbes calls for a form of government where an unbiased opinion is the one in charge of a particular society. In this sense, Hobbes' shares a scholarly interest in aspects of morality that have also been studied and explained by Descartes and Descartesian morality.

Yet, Hobbes hoped to establish an authority of absolute power that will act in such a way as to better the society as a whole. Those that are governed by this system will want to follow it. Hobbes is quoted as saying that man will define morality in such a way that it will only preserve those persons own self-interests. By putting a person that is supposedly removed from that society, Hobbes feels they will be able to not pass judgments that are biased to their own self-interests. Unfortunately, if Hobbes truly believes that this is the way in which humankind will act when left to his own vices, the Leviathan of this society will eventually act in such a way that will benefit his or her self interests to some extent.

Perhaps this sort of government would, theoretically, be possible in the time that Hobbes originally wrote Leviathan, however such a system could not be possible today. In modern society, the world is so interconnected that someone with such absolute power would clearly make decisions for a group that would have repercussions felt by that individual. Hobbes operates under the simple premise that mankind will do only what is in their own interests when left alone. This pessimistic view on society lead Hobbes to create the social contract theory that subsequently lead to the underlying ideology of Leviathan. The advancement of technology has made the repercussions of all nations actions interwoven so that we are now entering a time of global dependency and awareness.

Hobbes, Thomas, and J. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Machiavelli, Niccolò, Thomas More, Martin Luther, William Roper, Ninian Hill Thomson, Ralph Robinson, Robert Scarlett Grignon, and C. The Prince. New York: P. Ultius, Inc. Ultius Blog, 14 Jan. Click here for more help with MLA citations. Sample Essay on Political Philosophy. Click here for more help with APA citations. January 14, Click here for more help with CMS citations. Click here for more help with Turabian citations. Ultius is the trusted provider of content solutions and matches customers with highly qualified writers for sample writing, academic editing, and business writing.

Although it is disputable whether a completely value-free historical research has ever taken place, it is a fact that the aim of a historian is primarily to tell how things have been, and not how they should be. Thus, although it is possible to have works in political philosophy that project in the metaphysical or utopian no places—first coined by Thomas More in his classical Utopia—this is unthinkable in the case of history. The historian looks at the past, although this research can be more or less subtly guided by a certain view of the present and of the future.

One of the most common distinctions proposed for grouping available political philosophies is that between analytical and continental political philosophy. Not only is the distinction geographical the philosophy done in the Old Continent opposed to the approach prevailing in the United States , but it also aims to distinguish the sort of enlightened, science oriented political philosophy done in the aftermath of authors such as David Hume, Gottlob Frege, and Jeremy Bentham from those who follow the philosophical style of authors such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Georg W. Hegel, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Many sides have questioned the distinction. In the first place, the term continental is misleading in as far as emblematic analytical philosophers such as Frege lived in the Old Continent.

The term analytical is equally misleading because the works of alleged continental philosophers such as Rousseau and Hegel are also analytical if analytical simply means an enterprise devoted to the analysis of concepts. Thus, the distinction seems to be more a means to criticize philosophical adversaries than a conceptual distinction. A more fruitful distinction is that between the different methods of contemporary political philosophy, among which one can distinguish at least four: 1 the normative prescription of standards of conduct, 2 the construction of theoretical frameworks for the use of political concepts, 3 the deconstructive unpacking of concepts and paradigms, and 4 the history of political concepts. All are philosophical methods in that they aim to clarify concepts, be it through disclosing their normative potential, reconstructing the more general framework for their use, deconstructing overall, or reconstructing their history.

However, the so-called normative political philosophy does not exhaust the entire contemporary scenario. If it is true that political philosophy always contains a normative part, there are still political philosophers who do not see their primary task in setting the standards for conduct. Whereas both Rawls and Habermas see human beings as primarily rational actors, Bottici argues that human beings do not only act on the basis of rational considerations, and therefore a philosophical framework needs to be constructed to adequately account for this fact. Together with the analysis of the conditions for public reason, political philosophy has therefore also been analyzing those for public imagination. Yet, according to some authors, the primary task of political philosophy is not the construction of theoretical frameworks but rather their deconstruction i.

The concept of deconstruction is primarily linked to the work of Jacques Derrida, and the main example of a political philosophy based on deconstruction is his Politics of Friendship In this work, Derrida deconstructs the concept of friendship by showing that brotherhood and fraternity have consistently served as the paradigm of friendship and political relations throughout the history of Western philosophy; the result is a systematic exclusion of women from all of them. Finally, whereas Bottici distinguishes between the methods of history and those of political philosophy, according to some authors, political philosophy should be an enterprise essentially based on history of concepts.

The main idea here is that political philosophy cannot be a free-floating intellectual enterprise, but must always reflect the contingency of the specific historical context in which it takes place. There are two main versions of this approach. The weaker form says instead that because there is no real progress in the discipline, but instead the perpetual recurrence of the same problems, rethinking the classical authors is a fruitful starting point for rethinking about more contemporary issues. The four types of political philosophy are ideal types. Although it is possible to point to exemplary works for each of them, most of the time, works in political philosophy contain more than one single method.

An epoch of rapid change often call the boundaries of the disciplines into question. Among the works that are on the forefront of questioning boundaries, at least three kinds of political philosophy stand out: 1 the poststatist, 2 the feminists, and 3 the green political philosophy. Although these kinds of political philosophy also make recourse to one or more of the methods described earlier, they stand out in the contemporary panorama of political philosophy for their innovative and boundary-questioning potential. The poststatist political philosophy questions the centrality of the sovereign state in modern political philosophy, envisaging forms of justice and democracy beyond traditional state boundaries, as explained by David Held.

Feminist political philosophy questions instead the traditional boundary between the public and the private sphere, arguing that such a distinction is a means to perpetrate the domination of men and segregation of women, especially as presented by Carol Pateman. Type of Paper. Essay Topics. Educational Tools. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Premium samples database Get access to over 1 MILLION samples with WowEssays Premium! LEARN MORE. Individual property right is the next value of priority in my value paradigm with free market and individual freedoms following Works cited Adams, Ian, Political Ideology Today. Social Justice. Karl Marx. Human Rights. Civil Rights. Law Enforcement.

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