Friday, February 4, 2022

The green mile essay

The green mile essay

Transportation and Sustainability in Los Angeles Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Multiple Chapters Paper : Japanese Colonialism in Taiwan: Land Tenure, Development, and Dependency, This is especially true because the store has a small footprint, and has the flexibility to the green mile essay up on vacant lots without the costs of either renting or developing fixed real estate. Professional writers and researchers. It would be one thing if the levels of pollutants in the city were consistent with the levels found in other cities; however the levels of air pollution found in Los Angeles are among the highest in the country. Twain, Mark, the green mile essay. Sherman was promoted to Captain due to his services.

A Comparison Of The Life Of David Gale And Dead Man Walking?

Green Mile, by Frank Darabont [ THE GREEN MILE This second draft of the script for "The Green Mile" seems to follow the film quite closely; most of the scenes are pretty much verbatim how they appeared on the screen. The format of the script is standard screenplay format, with dialogue usually initiated with a centered name in capital letters, the green mile essay, and usually some description of the scene and setting before the dialogue begins. In these first fifteen or so pages the pages were not numbered or illustrated in any way, so it was difficult to tellthe major characters in the film are not all introduced in the first…. Bibliography The Green Mile. Frank Darabont. Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan, James Cromwel, Michael Jeter, and Graham Greene.

Warner Brothers, movie versions of "The Green Mile" The Green Mile" is a six-part serial novel by Stephen King, an acclaimed novelist known for his themes of suspense, the green mile essay, thriller, and the supernatural. The novel uses Paul Edgecombe, the chief prison guard of Cold Mountain Penitentiary, as the chief narrator of the story. He talks about his life as a prison guard during the Great Depression years, specifically during the yeara year when he met John Coffey, a black American convicted for raping and killing two young girls. Edgecombe shares how his life and belief has changed tremendously when he met this particular man, most especially when a "miracle," a supernatural thing that happened to Edgecombe, making him doubt whether Coffey was indeed capable of murder or not.

The novel also includes numerous characters that takes the novel an interesting turn, starting from Edgecombe's friends, also prison guards in Cold Mountain,…. Bibliography Clinton, Paul. Cable News Network Web page. King, Stephen. The Green Mile. Director: Frank Darabont. Performers: Tom Hanks, Michael Duncan. Film Production. Warner Brothers TIME Warner Entertainment Company. The Man Who Would Do King. January- February An additional negative aspect can occur when a seemingly green product really isn't, in the long run. As an example, one of the most successful 'green' vehicles is the Toyota Prius. The hybrid Prius has become the status symbol for all of those wishing to flaunt their environmental conscience. However, the vehicle isn't nearly as eco-friendly as the Green Marketing campaigns lead consumers to believe.

The nickel metal hydride battery the Prius uses is the primary culprit. The nickel is mined in Sudbury, Ontario, smelted nearby, shipped to ales to be refined, then sent to China to be processed into nickel foam. From there, it goes to Japan to become a battery, before it's placed into a car and shipped to its final destination, like the U. The global transportation the green mile essay the manufacture of the battery uses a lot of fossil fuel. Goodwin cites CN Marketing as noting the combined…. Works Cited Basic Information. Environmental Protection Agency. November 10, Chen, S. American Marketing Association. Goodwin, J. The Washington Post.

the stimulus plan calls for laying 3, miles of new transmission lines -- considered crucial for moving wind and solar power to different corners of the country" LaMonica This sets a shining example for the nation for the need to make current and future structures environmentally sustainable. Even if prices of fossil the green mile essay decline, there are also other pressures that increase public awareness about the need for green housing -- finite timber resources, increasing overpopulation, and also the expansion of the densely populated developing world in China and India will make green building a continued priority on an international level.

The sad rise of asthma due to mold and other allergies contained in sick buildings may make a the green mile essay building that can reduce mold, mildew and other build-up a necessity rather the green mile essay a debatable luxury for many home owners in the future. The current administration is working to bring…. Works Cited Del Percio, Stephen. Green building in crisis. Green buildings NYC. Department of the Treasury. promoting fuel efficient cars, establishing green spaces or forestry, random emission testing, and encouraging alternative transportation, walking, and bicycle use. Fuel efficient cars Fuel efficient cars not only reduces pollution but I chose it due to the fact that it is also a good option given today's rising gas prices.

Fuel efficient cars come in 2 categories -- electric and water. What this means is that these cars substitute gas -- which pollutes the atmosphere -- with either electricity or water or the green mile essay. Hybrid cars are healthier for the environment since they combine gas and water or electricity producing lower emissions. They also reduce dependence on fossil fuel which is the main source of fuel today. com The trade-offs of fuel efficient cars are first and foremost price. That, however, can be overcome by compelling distributors to lower the price by making it a more…. Sources Future-Method.

Fuel Efficient Hybrid Cars -- Initiatives to Reduce Pollution. Business Plan for Green Tongues Summer Company Information Environmental and Industry Analysis Products or Services Marketing esearch and Evaluation Manufacturing and Operations Plan Management Team Timeline Critical isks and Assumptions Benefits to the Community Exit Strategy Financial Plan Green Tongues is an advertising company that provides environmentally friendly advertising solutions to all those companies that value their environment and want to give back to the society in which they exist. Green Tongues envisions itself to be the premier advertising company in the near future in the entire Gulf Cooperation Council GCC region as consumers and businesses in this region are slowly beginning to realize the importance of environmental conservation.

The six member states that comprise the GCC i. References Bains, K. Solar powered billboards in San Francisco, Africa, and Canada. Solar Power Authority. Blanche, E. Gulf rail network: The dream becomes reality. The Middle East, the green mile essay, films may have in common are performers, directors or subject matter. The films, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and the Hurricane, have several things in common. All three films follow the results of men wrongly convicted of murder. Two of the films, The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile, were adapted from original works of the same author, Stephen King. They also were directed by the same person, the green mile essay, Frank Darabont.

In addition, all three films share something else. They are all films about individuals who have been judged because of the way they look. In The Green Mile, John Coffey, played by Michael Clarke Duncan, is on death row after being found guilty of murdering two little white girls. The Green Mile is the name given to Coal Mountain Louisiana State Penitentiary's death row. Coffey, a black man, was found with the broken bodies of the two dead girls…. Bibliography Berardinelli, James. May 2, Berardinelli, James. Ebert, Roger. Characters and Situations -- "The Godfather" and "The Green Mile" Both "The Godfather" and the prison epic "The Green Mile" depict characters at the center of moral dilemmas.

To underline the significance of the ethical dramas of these characters, both films effectively make historical and literary parallels, as well as deploy the techniques of metaphors and visual and verbal symbolism, to give the characters and the plotlines a significance that transcends the purely 'entertainment' quality of the film. For instance, the character of the Godfather played by Marlon Brando is immediately characterized as a man of power and immoral influence through the use of the literary or historical allusion of the singer at his daughter's wedding -- an obvious stand-in for the real-life Frank Sinatra, one of the most famous crooners of all time. But the exhibition of the Godfather Don Corleone is not limited to merely his association with….

movie industry in America has been controlled by some of the monolithic companies which not only provided a place for making the movies, but also made the movies themselves and then distributed it throughout the entire country. These are movie companies and their entire image revolved around the number of participants of their films. People who wanted to see the movies being made had to go to the studios in order to see them, the green mile essay. They made movies in a profitable manner for the sake of the studios, but placed the entire industry under their control and dominated over it. The discussion here is about some of those famous studios inclusive of that of names like Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Culver, RKO, Paramount Studios, Warner Bros, the green mile essay, 20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Studios, the green mile essay, Universal Studios, Raleigh Studio, Hollywood Center Studio, Sunset Gower Studio, Ren-Mar Studios, Charlie Chaplin Studios the green mile essay now, Manhattan Beach Studio.

Bush is STILL the President? html Accessed 14 September, Death Chamber Indeed, the death penalty is one of the most divisive issues in the entirety of the criminal justice system as it currently exists within the United States the green mile essay America. Although many polls do suggest that a majority of Americans ultimately do support the employment of the death penalty, the green mile essay, it faces stern and strong opposition from a violent minority that radically opposes the death penalty for a variety of reasons, including the concerns that it is unfair for the state to deny an individual of his life, that it is racist in its employment, that it is more likely to be applied to defendants that cannot afford their own counsel, and that it is a terrible practice because the green mile essay executions are irrevocable and no fitting reparations can ever be made.

Indeed, the concerns are so great the green mile essay the United States Supreme Court even instituted a death penalty ban during…. Bibliography Carlson, Margaret. April 22, A php? Shapiro, Bruce.

define heroism essay

This book is all about the notorious serial killer Ted Bundy. Ted Bundy was well known to Rule as she was quite close to him in several series of murders he committed. The reason for choosing this book is that it provides detailed explanation about how and when was the wrongdoings were committed against the law. It describes how the serial killer, Ted Bundy, executed those crimes, what was going on in his mind during all this period and what was the reason behind his evil nature. The intricate plot functions as a diversion to overlook what is literally in front of the audience the entire movie. He acknowledges what the author was trying to do; but neglects why the author framed it this way. While the movie may not have been laid out in the best ways, Starnes is able to convey the summary in a well-written manner.

In conclusion, this specific review over The Time Travelers Wife written by Joshua Starnes is an extremely poorly written review. The fact that Starnes was able to go into good detail about the overall summary of the movie was one thing that did, in fact, add to the value of the review. On the other hand, because he did not write at an adequate enough length to discuss the movie well enough, failed to discuss any of the actors and their acting quality except for one, and because he just did not add in many details about any of the movie-making aspects, this is an overall very poor…. Now obviously the visual effects in mediocre films are not as strong as those in fantastic movies.

Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed is one of my favorite movies, but I consider it mediocre because the visual effects are unrealistic. Not all films can afford the best actors. George of the Jungle 2 hired a different actor to play the main role of George. The first ethical issue, which I have already mentioned, is that Andy was charged and convicted for a murder he did not…. Whether or not the scene actually occurred, this was one of the many subtle ways Capote infused his opinion into the novel. It reveals that the title of the book is actually referring to the killing of Perry Smith and Dick Hickock, whom Capote believed were unjustly killed.

Additionally, Capote describes as what he perceived as unfairness in the trial throughout the last section. Clutter Capote As portrayed in the nonfiction novel, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, two criminals, Perry Smith and Richard Dick Hickock, are put on trial for the murder of four members of the Clutter family. The judge ruled that the pair of lawbreakers were to suffer the worst capital punishment in existence, the death penalty. To begin with, the criminals were up against a bias jury and judge.

Because of his personal connection to the case, he had formed his opinion about the convicts prior…. The crime is revealed through the antagonists of the play- Russell Henderson and Aaron McKinney. The actions of these two individuals had an immense impact on the town of Laramie. For example, at the trial for Mr. Henderson the judge had an important speech about the antagonists actions to give him before revealing the sentence that was decided. Do you think that Baker family would be pleased with your attitude demonstrated towards the death penalty in your article? The families of murder victims, as well as their victims deserve justice for being killed for no good reason. Robert Harris has to die. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool.

The nickel metal hydride battery the Prius uses is the primary culprit. The nickel is mined in Sudbury, Ontario, smelted nearby, shipped to ales to be refined, then sent to China to be processed into nickel foam. From there, it goes to Japan to become a battery, before it's placed into a car and shipped to its final destination, like the U. The global transportation of the manufacture of the battery uses a lot of fossil fuel. Goodwin cites CN Marketing as noting the combined…. Works Cited Basic Information. Environmental Protection Agency.

November 10, Chen, S. American Marketing Association. Goodwin, J. The Washington Post. the stimulus plan calls for laying 3, miles of new transmission lines -- considered crucial for moving wind and solar power to different corners of the country" LaMonica This sets a shining example for the nation for the need to make current and future structures environmentally sustainable. Even if prices of fossil fuels decline, there are also other pressures that increase public awareness about the need for green housing -- finite timber resources, increasing overpopulation, and also the expansion of the densely populated developing world in China and India will make green building a continued priority on an international level. The sad rise of asthma due to mold and other allergies contained in sick buildings may make a green building that can reduce mold, mildew and other build-up a necessity rather than a debatable luxury for many home owners in the future.

The current administration is working to bring…. Works Cited Del Percio, Stephen. Green building in crisis. Green buildings NYC. Department of the Treasury. promoting fuel efficient cars, establishing green spaces or forestry, random emission testing, and encouraging alternative transportation, walking, and bicycle use. Fuel efficient cars Fuel efficient cars not only reduces pollution but I chose it due to the fact that it is also a good option given today's rising gas prices. Fuel efficient cars come in 2 categories -- electric and water. What this means is that these cars substitute gas -- which pollutes the atmosphere -- with either electricity or water or hydroxyl.

Hybrid cars are healthier for the environment since they combine gas and water or electricity producing lower emissions. They also reduce dependence on fossil fuel which is the main source of fuel today. com The trade-offs of fuel efficient cars are first and foremost price. That, however, can be overcome by compelling distributors to lower the price by making it a more…. Sources Future-Method. Fuel Efficient Hybrid Cars -- Initiatives to Reduce Pollution. Business Plan for Green Tongues Summer Company Information Environmental and Industry Analysis Products or Services Marketing esearch and Evaluation Manufacturing and Operations Plan Management Team Timeline Critical isks and Assumptions Benefits to the Community Exit Strategy Financial Plan Green Tongues is an advertising company that provides environmentally friendly advertising solutions to all those companies that value their environment and want to give back to the society in which they exist.

Green Tongues envisions itself to be the premier advertising company in the near future in the entire Gulf Cooperation Council GCC region as consumers and businesses in this region are slowly beginning to realize the importance of environmental conservation. The six member states that comprise the GCC i. References Bains, K. Solar powered billboards in San Francisco, Africa, and Canada. Solar Power Authority. Blanche, E. Gulf rail network: The dream becomes reality. The Middle East, , films may have in common are performers, directors or subject matter. The films, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and the Hurricane, have several things in common. All three films follow the results of men wrongly convicted of murder.

Two of the films, The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile, were adapted from original works of the same author, Stephen King. They also were directed by the same person, Frank Darabont. In addition, all three films share something else. They are all films about individuals who have been judged because of the way they look. In The Green Mile, John Coffey, played by Michael Clarke Duncan, is on death row after being found guilty of murdering two little white girls. The Green Mile is the name given to Coal Mountain Louisiana State Penitentiary's death row. Coffey, a black man, was found with the broken bodies of the two dead girls…. Bibliography Berardinelli, James. May 2, Berardinelli, James.

Ebert, Roger. Characters and Situations -- "The Godfather" and "The Green Mile" Both "The Godfather" and the prison epic "The Green Mile" depict characters at the center of moral dilemmas. To underline the significance of the ethical dramas of these characters, both films effectively make historical and literary parallels, as well as deploy the techniques of metaphors and visual and verbal symbolism, to give the characters and the plotlines a significance that transcends the purely 'entertainment' quality of the film. For instance, the character of the Godfather played by Marlon Brando is immediately characterized as a man of power and immoral influence through the use of the literary or historical allusion of the singer at his daughter's wedding -- an obvious stand-in for the real-life Frank Sinatra, one of the most famous crooners of all time.

But the exhibition of the Godfather Don Corleone is not limited to merely his association with…. movie industry in America has been controlled by some of the monolithic companies which not only provided a place for making the movies, but also made the movies themselves and then distributed it throughout the entire country. These are movie companies and their entire image revolved around the number of participants of their films. People who wanted to see the movies being made had to go to the studios in order to see them.

They made movies in a profitable manner for the sake of the studios, but placed the entire industry under their control and dominated over it. The discussion here is about some of those famous studios inclusive of that of names like Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Culver, RKO, Paramount Studios, Warner Bros, 20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Studios, Universal Studios, Raleigh Studio, Hollywood Center Studio, Sunset Gower Studio, Ren-Mar Studios, Charlie Chaplin Studios and now, Manhattan Beach Studio. Bush is STILL the President? html Accessed 14 September, Death Chamber Indeed, the death penalty is one of the most divisive issues in the entirety of the criminal justice system as it currently exists within the United States of America.

Although many polls do suggest that a majority of Americans ultimately do support the employment of the death penalty, it faces stern and strong opposition from a violent minority that radically opposes the death penalty for a variety of reasons, including the concerns that it is unfair for the state to deny an individual of his life, that it is racist in its employment, that it is more likely to be applied to defendants that cannot afford their own counsel, and that it is a terrible practice because mistaken executions are irrevocable and no fitting reparations can ever be made. Indeed, the concerns are so great that the United States Supreme Court even instituted a death penalty ban during…. Bibliography Carlson, Margaret.

April 22, A php? Shapiro, Bruce. August 6, Retrieved November 18, at. The project also has operable windows to allow for natural ventilation and daylighting reduces the need for artificial lighting according to the Leed's certification. An interesting feature to conserve electricity is the use of daylight and motion sensors that activate or de-activate individual classroom and office lighting. Green, Integrated into the buildings are green features that are highlighted in order to display those features to visitors, teachers and students. Those features include window walls, color-coded heating and water pipes. Asthetic features were also taken into account when creating the plans for the project and have held through upon completion.

The site has been xeriscaped with native plants on a lot size of 90 acres that was previously undeveloped. The buildings are a mixture of brick, stone and glass with half of the products used…. References Fcgov. fort- collins. A variety of new and existing buildings have received LEED certification over the recent years. The following are ten examples of these awards: 1 Office Depot: Gold Award, New Construction. In , Office Depot recognized its 39 million square feet of commercial real estate in North America was responsible for significant carbon emissions and a solid-waste footprint.

As a prototype for future construction retail locations, the Austin, Texas, construction followed the LEED certification process. Included is a roof that reflects sunlight and cools the store, requiring less energy for air conditioning; high-efficiency heating, ventilation and air conditioning units; water-efficient fixtures in restrooms; locally sourced and recycled materials; and skylights that adjust with the sun and provide natural day lighting. And Europe in They created a detailed LEED-EB Credit Report documenting sustainable purchasing of office supplies, technology,…. Borderless Society A history of a typical American meal When a typical consumer purchases a rib-eye steak for dinner, he or she will pay far less than his or her grandfather did for the same cut of meat.

This is because of the efficiencies generated by the commercial meat industry. While the cow will begin its life in a manner similar to that of cows of the past -- by the side of his or her mother on a ranch -- that will quickly change. On a factory farm, cows are quickly weaned from their mother and fed a corn-based diet or 'finished' on corn while they are held in pens. Instead of…. References Big dairy enters the era of big data. Rethinking the meat guzzler. The New York Times. The cost of living in Canyon is 2. The cost of living index is based on a national average of If the region shows a cost of living index that is lower than , it means it is living below national standard, and the reverse shows it is living above national standards.

Canyon's living standard is 97, which shows that it is living below average national standards. At the same time, however, it is significantly greater than cost of living in Texas in general. Its groceries, its goods, and its transportation are one or more notches higher than Texas in general. Its housing index is considerably higher. Its utilities index is however significantly lower than Texas and certainly than the Nation as a whole. Its health care index is also slightly lower than Texas in general. The price…. Sources Area vibes. Canyon transportation information. The Monster's suffering was the root of all his murders, and Victor the cause of all his pain.

It was at this point that the monstrosity of Victor's character is understood better, making Victor the greater monster in the story. The poem "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey" encompasses everything that the Romantic period had to offer. The physical aspect that the poem can portray, and the feeling that reading invokes makes this one of great substance and significance. The deep connection with Nature, is one that makes this poem a part of the Romantic Era's history, encapsulating a part of history in its lines. The poem provides very rich description that invokes feeling; that is what the Romantic Period is all about. Fast Food Delivery Green Bean Delivery delivers fresh produce to the door of customers who sign up for deliveries. So instead of purchasing produce fruits, vegetables, dairies from the grocery store and not knowing where they come from -- Mexico, California, South America , Green Bean Delivery does all the work for you.

The only question is: where do Green Bean's products come from? To find out, some investigative work was needed. This paper will show who is behind the produce that Green Bean Delivery delivers straight to the door of its customers, how it is produced, what goes into the process of growing, harvesting, transporting and preparing the items that are then sorted and shipped to customers. The number one claim of Green Bean Delivery is that it uses organic produce and natural groceries to please its customers. This is a great claim and one that makes a lot of…. References Claren, R. The Green Motel. Gottlieb, R.

Food Justice. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. Schlosser, E. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Boston: Mariner Books. hy the huge disparity in viewpoints when the science has been empirically established for twenty years or more? Journalist Bryan alsh references sociologists from Michigan State and Oklahoma State Universities Riley Dunlap and Aaron McCright, respectively , who say there has been a "well-financed effort on the part of conservative groups and corporations to distort global-warming science" alsh, In the book written by Dunlap and McCright the Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society they assert that global climate change science has been "assaulted" by fossil-fuel corporations, conservative think tanks" for over twenty years.

Hence, in conclusion, one way to spread the word to consumers and citizens is to battle back against the propaganda that seeks to deny the truth about climate change. In addition, very simple changes in lifestyles using CFLs, taking the bus, hanging clothes out to dry, keeping the car tuned up, and sealing up leaks and…. Works Cited Chevrolet. Somebody Has to Be First. Chevrolet VOLT. Frequently Asked Questions About Global Warming And Climate Change: Back to Basics. Green Driving Tips. Gaining distribution for a new motorcycle model will be challenging given the concentration level of competitors in the market. As motorcycles are considered discretionary purchases, they are influenced by the consumer sentiment index, the level of per capita disposable income, the downstream demand for motorcycle dealership and repair, and the available time consumers have for using them Diamond, All of these factors are taken into account in the factoring of both the baseline motorcycle industry forecast and the hybrid motorcycle forecast as well.

References Diamond, D.. Managing Incentives for Green Vehicles. Public Manager, 37 4 , Lapide, L.. History of Demand-Driven Forecasting. The Journal of Business Forecasting, 28 2 , Patrick Mahoney. Machine Design, 79 5 , Murphy, R. Green Marketing: A Study of the Impact of Green Marketing on Consumer Behavior in a Period of Recession. The Business Review, Cambridge, 16 1 , Borderless Society on Food As disparate regions of the globe become more and more intertwined through the expansion of global capital and the practical disintegration of international borders for massive companies, the food people eat is simultaneously delivered from every region of the globe so that seasons no longer dictate the availability of any given food.

However, the ability to obtain any given food out of season brings with it environmental and ecological damages because the farming and transportation practices which make this global food market work are almost entirely unsustainable and detrimental to the continued health of the global food ecosystem. In order to better understand the nature of this borderless society and how it affects the food one eats on any given day, it is useful to trace the path a couple of meals have taken from farm to plate, because only by doing so does the ramifications…. Works Cited Local-food movement: the lure of the mile diet. Time, Retrieved from. Your answer should be at least five sentences long. The Legend of Arthur Lesson 1 Journal Entry 9 of 16 Journal Exercise 1.

Consider how Arthur's actions and personality agree with or challenge your definition of honor. Write a few sentences comparing your definition from Journal 1. Write a brief paragraph explaining the importance or unimportance of loyalty in being honorable. Lesson 1 Journal Entry 10 of 16 Journal Exercise 1. After completing this activity, read over your Essay Assessment or another journal activity you've completed. Below the practice activity in your journal, write the original passages and the revised sentences you've created. LA Pollution Transportation and Sustainability in Los Angeles Increase utilization of green technology for vehicles Funding Tax incentives Employment issues The horrific traffic situation in Los Angeles is not only detrimental to society in the sense that its immense levels of congestion cost commuters millions of dollars in lost time daily, but also because it can cause physical harm.

One study has identified several risk factors that are significantly increased by freeway pollution levels such as cardiovascular problems, respiratory disease, cancer, heart attacks and flat-out premature death Cronan. It further finds that some brain cells in mice showed inflammation consistent with Alzheimer's disease when exposed to these pollutants. It would be one thing if the levels of pollutants in the city were consistent with the levels found in other cities; however the levels of air pollution found in Los Angeles are among the highest in the country. In fact, Forbes…. The Lord will lead one to safety always. One can simply believe in something higher to get the meaning of this; it doesn't have to be Jesus. Psalm , contrarily is confusing because it states that unless the Lord builds the house, it is built in vain.

This seems to be more literal, but I do get the idea. Unless the people building the house are doing it with the love of the Lord in their hearts, or building it for him, then what is the point? Didactic poetry can be quite comforting as seen in Psalm 23 or it can be much too literal and seen as both confusing and condescending. Psalm isn't very instructive spiritually speaking, unlike Psalm Updated Proverb: A broken toe can hurt, but a broken heart can kill. Metaphors: Obscure or Illuminate? Didactic literature with its use of metaphors can sometimes obscure the…. production value.

Exports account for approximately half this amount Binnquist, Lopez, and Shanley. Figure 2 portrays three views of bamboo. One: A bamboo forrest; Two: A bamboos shoot; Three: A bamboo grove walkway. Figure 2: Three Views of Bamboo adapted from Stickman. As bamboo production levels have risen, the amounts of raw materials needed to facilitate the production have simultaneously increased. The bamboo industry in Anji predominantly harvests bamboo from plantations, as it primarily grows a fast growing and easily cultivated, bamboo species, locally known as "maozhu" or "moso bamboo" phyllostachys heterocycla Binnquist, Lopez, and Shanley. Along with the hefty production of bamboo, the intense cultivation bamboo industry uses mammoth amounts of fertilizers and pesticides; which contributes to negative environmental effects.

In reference to the bamboo production…. WORKS CITED Applegate, Ed and Johnsen, Art. Adhikary, Nripal. Available at:. Houston Real Estate Search Prompt: You are a real estate consultant in Houston working with a young doctor transferring from Los Angeles to the Texas Medical Center. He is 31 years old and he is married. His wife currently teaches in the Los Angeles Community College District and she plans to work in community college teaching in the Houston area. They have mutually decided that they want to live with five miles of the medical center.

They love the arts and they live big city living. Postal Systems A third segment of this transcontinental route was established in and ran from Chicago to Omaha by way of Iowa City, with feeder lines to this primary route being provided from St. Louis and Minneapolis to Chicago U. The final transcontinental segment was established on September 8, and ran from Omaha to San Francisco by way of North Platte, Cheyenne, awlins, ock Springs, Salt Lake City, Elko, and eno U. One of the more interesting aspects of this early transcontinental route was the need to remove all of the mail from airplanes at the end of the day and place it on trains for continuation of the service at night by trains since these early aircraft were unable to fly at night; despite this added contrast, though, the transcontinental route was truly a "Pony Express" of the era….

References Boston, G. Historic site for aircraft; College Park Aviation Museum. The Washington Times, D De Syon, G. Airlines and air mail: The Post Office and the birth of the commercial aviation industry. Multifactor productivity change in the air transportation industry: productivity increases in the U. airline industry -- the nation's primary intercity mass transportation system-have played a significant role in the industry's cost-containment efforts and its ability to accelerate growth. Monthly Labor Review, 3 , Facts and figures about the Postal Service. Postal Service. Green Day, on the other hand, may have started off as a "Punk" band, but devolved into a "punk" band. In the song "American Idiot," Green Day states a problem created by the media, yet proposes nothing to resolve it.

Though Green Day attempts to rebel against the media because they do not want to be "one nation controlled by the media," they are giving in to the media through the commercialization and mass production and dissemination of their music. The production of the music is also of a higher quality. Though the band exudes the sound of raw intensity, the utilization of post-production filters and effects detracts from the "anger" and "disenfranchisement" conveyed in the song. Additionally, if one goes beyond the music and analyzes their music video, one can note how highly stylized it is and the higher production value that it conveys compared to the "music video"….

Works Cited Green Day. Reprise, Virgin Records, Mark Twain, The Prince and the Pauper Calais, France Anno Domini , October the First My dear Hugh, It is with a heavy heart that I take up quill and inkpot to pen this sad missive, informing thee of the death of Miles thy brother during that recent battle between his majesty our most puissant sovereign King Henry the Eighth and his sworn enemy, that perifidious frog the Dauphin of France, which did of late take place in pitched battle at Boulogne-sur-Mer in the month of August, in the year of our lord As doubtless thou hast heard at Hendon Hall, in the heat of summer His Majesty did command His Grace the Duke of Norfolk to raise the engines of siege so as to break the will of the French garrison in that wretched town, so close to the Channel which doth separate our blessed England from the….

References Blue Letter Bible. Ecclesiastes 3 - New King James Version. Blue Letter Bible. According to these airlines, the public can help by contacting their Congress people. According to the airlines in question, there are in fact or have been regulations in place in order to discourage the phenomenon of uncontrolled speculation and manipulation in world markets. These have however been weakened or removed, resulting in the rapid rise of fuel prices today. The claim is in fact that rising demand and diminishing supply cannot account for the rise in oil prices that have been experienced over the last year. Alexandra Marks also addresses the role of the Government in encouraging higher fuel prices.

According to airline industry experts and analysts, Congress is not doing enough to curb speculation. If this is not done very soon, according to these experts, the aviation industry could face a collapse in the not very far future, that is in danger of crippling the economy of the…. Sources AOPA ePublishing staff. AOPA working on future avgas. html Credeur, Mary Jane. Northwest Air to Cut 2, jobs to Blunt Fuel Costs. Bloomberg Press. Soaring aviation fuel cots ground many pilots. html Lynch, Kerry. AOPA, Greens Battle Over Lead in AvGas. Aviation Week. The Delta is also a habitat for many species of fish, birds, mammals, and plants, and it supports agricultural and recreational activities while also being the focal point for water distribution throughout the State.

The development of the Delta as it exists today started in late when the Swamp and Overflow Land Act transferred ownership of all swamp and overflow land, including Delta marshes, from the federal government to the State of California. In , the State Legislature created the Board of Swamp and Overflowed Land Commissioners to manage reclamation projects, and in , the authority of the Board was transferred to county boards of supervisors. The Delta now covers , acres interlaced with hundreds of miles of waterways, with much of the land below sea level, relying on more than 1, miles of levees for protection against flooding. References 1. Northridge, S. An updated world review of interactions between marine mammals and fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper.

Rome, FAO. DeMaster, Douglas P. And Richlen, Michael F. Predation and Competition: The Impact of Fisheries on Marine-Mammal. Iraq is constantly in the news today, as the war in the Middle East continues. It is important to examine specific details of Iraq in order to gain a better understanding of the country. Basic Information Iraq is officially known by four different names. These names are: "conventional long form- Republic of Iraq; conventional short form- Iraq; local long form- Al Jumhuriyah al Iraqiyah; local short form- Al Iraq www. Works Cited World Factbook- Iraq.

Accessed 29 November, Tea was the third most important commercial product, and was also sold to the mainland. In Taiwan's defenses against foreign aggression were modernized, the government implemented tax reforms to make Taiwan financially independent, and educated its indigenous peoples. When Taiwan was ceded to Japan in under the terms of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, the locals declared independence on May 25, , and formed the Democratic Taiwan Nation to resist the Japanese take-over. These events also assisted in the creation…. Bibliography Ballantine, Joseph. Formosa: A Problem for United States Foreign Policy.

Washington DC: Brookings Institution, Chih-ming, Ka. Japanese Colonialism in Taiwan: Land Tenure, Development, and Dependency, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, Inc. Government Information Office in Taiwan. The activities of businesses affect different stakeholders within the communities they operate in. They affect customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, financiers, regulatory authorities, and communities. Accordingly, in their pursuit of economic objectives, business organizations have a responsibility to satisfy the concerns of stakeholders affected by their operations. This is the core of corporate social responsibility CSR. CSR theory asserts that business organizations exist for not only profit motives, but also social and environmental objectives Schwartz, Indeed, CSR has become so that important governments in most countries around the world have enacted laws and regulations that businesses must adhere to so as to foster community wellbeing and environmental sustainability.

Inattention to social and environmental concerns may harm an organization's public reputation or have serious legal ramifications on the organization. WECAREHealth WCH , a New Jersey-based pharmaceutical company, is facing serious human rights issues and environmental concerns due to its activities in the…. Most individuals fail to appreciate life to the fullest because they concentrate on being remembered as some of the greatest humans who ever lives. This makes it difficult for them to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, considering that they waste most of their time trying to put across ideas that are appealing to the masses. While many did not manage to produce ideas that survived more than them, others succeeded and actually produced thinking that remained in society for a long period of time consequent to their death.

Creativity is generally regarded as one of the most important concepts in society, considering that it generally induces intense feelings in individuals. It is responsible for progress and for the fact that humanity managed to produce a series of ideas that dominated society's thinking through time. In order for someone to create a concept that will live longer than him or…. The list of plastic trash found in those turtles is too long to include in this research. Seabirds especially pelicans, gannets and gulls often fall prey to "monofilament line"; albatrosses, petrels, penguins and grebes are not found entangled in plastic fishing line or other plastic debris as often as pelicans and gulls Katsanevakis, , p. hat is particularly insidious about plastic is when it is ingested by marine animals is releases "toxic chemicals" due to the chemical additives that are added to the plastic during the manufacturing process.

Once in the abdomen of the animal the toxic materials can block the digestive tract and block "gastric enzyme ingestion, diminished feeding stimulus, nutrient dilution, reduced growth rates, lowered steroid hormone levels, delayed ovulation and reproductive failure," Katsanevakis asserts p. There is lethal danger for small…. Works Cited Hill, Marquita K. Moore, Charles, , Trashed: Across the Pacific Ocean, Plastics, Plastics, Everywhere,. One should always think of safety first when deciding to ride a bicycle, especially in a heavily congested area such as New York City.

Many cyclists will explain that the main reason they do not wear protective bicycle gear is because it is uncomfortable. No one likes to be covered up a lot while they are riding down the street. They claim that it interferes with their ability to properly maneuver the bicycle and could cause them to wreck the bicycle. Other cyclists will explain that the reason they do not use the protective equipment when they ride a bike is because they cannot afford them. Some cyclists even claim that they do not have time to be bothered by putting on and taking off protective equipment. Life is a very fast and busy in New York City and most people do not have time to be bothered by protective…. Corporate Social esponsibility Ethics and Corporate esponsibility in the Workplace and the World Key stakeholders within the PharmaCare scenario Stakeholders play a significant role in influencing the performance and the realization of goals and objectives of the organization.

They make corporate decisions about the ways in which the organization should carry out its operations meeting the demands of the customers and the legal requirements. The stakeholders of the PharmaCare Company are varied and have varying characteristics. Among the stakeholders, include the employees, customers, investors, and the creditors of the company. The performance of the PharmaCare Company relies largely on the hard work of the employees, the managers, and the members of its board. As such, it implies that the company should provide a variety of services to its employees such as compensation packages to retain and ensure their satisfaction with their job.

In addition, the company provides regular training opportunities…. References Cragg, W. Corporate social responsibility. Farnham, England: Ashgate. Hunnicutt, S. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press. Kao, R. Sustainable economy corporate, social, and environmental responsibility. Singapore: World Scientific. McSpotlight on the Pharmaceutical Industry. Most of the motorcycle manufacturers want to convert their production towards eco-friendly technology powered by new wave of fuel alternates. Swagster will capture the motorcycle market due to enhanced features including powerful engine, higher acceleration and the advanced technology of power-pack.

With these added features, Swagster will promote the Hybrid motorcycle market to the next level of technology. Swagster will definitely wipe-off the recently launched oad Glide Ultra model of Harley-Davidson due to environment friendly feature. This price difference with eco-friendly aspect will definitely attract most of the Harley-Davidson customers towards Swagster. The competitive set of Swagster also provides power pack technology and the first time improvement of color graphics. With the Swagster, the motorcycle will get the first and the foremost eco-friendly and environment friendly motorcycles around the world.

Proctor In addition to…. References Donald R. Lehmann, Russell S. Winer, Russell Winer, Analysis for Marketing Planning. Proctor, T. Essentials of Marketing research, UK: Financial Times-Prentice Hall. Randall, G. Principles of Marketing, 2nd edition, Thomson Learning. Another ebsite "Historical Inaccuracies in Film" points out the same thing, that the final battle scene with Lt. Moore leading the brave charge at the North Vietnamese headquarters did not take place in reality or in the book. There was no helicopter coming to the aid of Moore's assault. In fact the 7th Air Cavalry division was given an airlift out of the area and the next day a different division was brought in fresh and that division was ambushed. In the ebsite "Movie Mistakes" a number of small but nonetheless significant inaccuracies are pointed out.

In the film Lt. Moore fires his rifle many times; he is shooting at North Vietnamese NVA soldiers near the command post that had been set up by the Americans. However, in the book Moore does not fire his weapon and there were no NVA tools within the command post area. Works Cited Freschi, Laura. Historical Inaccuracies in Film. We Were Soldiers. Paramount Pictures Corp. icon Entertainment International. Zionism is even being identified with Christianity, with evangelicals uniting themselves to Israeli interests. Need we remind ourselves that Zionism is a politico-religious belief that is diametrically opposed to Christian values?

The post-war propaganda that followed II even helped obliterate the notion of Jesus Christ as Holocaust and replace it with the Shoah, the Jewish holocaust. At the heart of Zionism is the eradication of Christian culture and the elevation of Zionist policies like the one currently being enacted on the Gaza Strip. Israel is an apartheid state and has been murdering Palestinians for years -- and now it has convinced millions of Christians and evangelicals that they must destroy the Arab before he destroys them. hat kind of value is this? It is a diabolical one.

Refusing to embrace diplomacy also undermines our prosperity. Rather than attacking and occupying countries in the Middle East, we should be working with…. Works Cited Anders, Chris. Buchanan, Patrick. Corbett, James. Children's Literature "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But in the consideration of children's literature in the nineteenth century, we face the prospect of a society where child labor was actually a fact of life. e are familiar with the stereotypes that still linger on in the collective imagination, of young boys forced to work as chimney-sweeps or girls forced to labor in textile factories.

But the simple fact is that between the present day and the emergence of children's literature as a category of its own, largely during the nineteenth century, there has been a widespread reform in labor practices and social mores which has altered the meaning of what "work" might mean for young Jack, or…. Works Cited Alcott, Louisa May. Little Women. Edited with an introduction by Elaine Showalter. New York: Penguin Books, Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Edited with an introduction by John Seelye. Any allegations of individualized injury is superfluous, they alleged, on the theory that this was a "public" action involving questions as to the use of natural resources. The Holding was that a person has standing to seek judicial review under the Administrative Procedure Act only if he can show that he himself has suffered or will suffer injury, whether economic or otherwise.

In this case, where petitioner asserted no individualized harm to itself or its members, it lacked standing to maintain the action. Sierra Club relies on 10 of the Administrative Procedure Act, which accords judicial review to a "person suffering legal wrong because of agency action, or [who is] adversely affected or aggrieved by agency action within the meaning of a relevant statute. The two cities I am going to compare are Irkutsk and Tampa. Irkutsk is located in Siberia, along the shores of the Angara River, near the shores of Lake Baikal.

Tampa lies on Tampa Bay, near the shores of the Gulf of Mexico.

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