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My summer vacation essay for kids

My summer vacation essay for kids

Every year students get a summer vacation from the schools or colleges during summer. Essay on how i spent my summer vacation. During this time I ate my favourite fruits, went swimming, played my favourite sports and also enjoyed some seasonal fruits that happen in Nainital. I and my few cousins have enjoyed it a lot, my summer vacation essay for kids. We turn off all the lights, shut all the doors and then sit together for this spooky adventure. This is because they get the maximum number of vacations during a year. Farewell Speech A farewell speech is a speech given by a person leaving a position or place.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay (100 Words)

Home » Summer Vacation Essay. In this Summer Vacation Essaywe had described detailed information about summer vacation. Every year students get a summer vacation from the schools or colleges during summer. This vacation is the most enjoyable and good time for the students because there is no study pressure or mental stress on them. We had provided various essay on Summer Vacation in different word limits, which you can use according to your need:. All schools and colleges are close during this period due to high environmental temperatures in the summer months; it is the hottest period of the year during summer my summer vacation essay for kids. The children feel very happy and relax during the holiday; most of the students usually visit their village, hill station or other cold places with cousins, family members or village friends.

Summer vacation becomes fun for children which starts with the last bell ringing at school; it becomes the happiest moment for children, with a long vacation from school and daily busy life of schoolwork. This is the time to get away from homework and good travel to home town, hill stations and other cool places to entertain the summer season very easily and happily. However, students get plenty of work from home to complete work from home and submit to school after opening. Also, read the Summer Vacation Essay words.

Even after getting an assignment to do at home, they feel relaxed and entertained as soon as they leave school due to the humid weather. Summer time is quality time for children, it is a time of simple joy and excitement, and they can do anything they are interested in. Now-a-day, the summer vacation period is 45 days in each summer season; it starts from the third week of May and ends in the last week of June every year. Its purpose is manifold, including relaxation from high heat, giving students a long break after the final exam, etc. Students feel exhausted and not interested in studying after the annual exams; therefore, they need some rest after a year of study to regain their health and viability.

Another purpose of summer vacation is to give the students some rest from the unbearable heat of the summer season. They can be quite hurt due to the scorching summer heat, so summer vacation is the best option to give them a good break from study and summer. It aims to help students regain momentum in weak subjects; during summer vacation, students get an opportunity to visit new places, increase their general knowledge, get time for school project work etc. My summer vacation essay for kids one and a half month-long holiday i. summer vacation for which every child is eagerly waiting for the whole year, planning for summer vacation after the completion of the annual exam, in advance. This time is very pleasant and good for children who are happy when the last bell of the school rings.

Summer holidays are a time of year to get rid of the same routine throughout the year and the tension of doing homework that everyone wants to enjoy. This is the reason that during the summer many sports camps and educational camps for children are also organized. So that children can develop well physically and mentally. Along with this, during the summer holidays, children get an opportunity to increase their my summer vacation essay for kids and skills in other fields besides education, which also helps them to become a multi-rounder.

Summer holidays are also associated with the emotions of children, during which they have fun openly and try to improve themselves. For the coming year, with the full my summer vacation essay for kids and new energy, he can do better by taking admission and convince himself of his talent. While holidays are sometimes available on festivals or on special occasions, but a weekly holiday or a holiday on festivals can only erase fatigue and then the same routine on the next day, get up early in the morning for school, make bags, do homework. Go to the tuition, completing the project, and in addition to the burden of studies, the pressure of the Parents to bring good marks is kept in this routine throughout the year.

Tedium leads and schedules an urge to do something different like dance classes of their choice, joining sports clubs, etc. And the best time for all of this is summer vacation, as it is for a long time and during this time children get a chance to develop themselves in other areas. This time for the summer holidays I Rahul had made many plans with my my summer vacation essay for kids, such as playing cricket every morning, then eating ice cream in the afternoon, my summer vacation essay for kids mango shake and eating watermelon and then doing Taekwondo class in the evening and sitting in the park Meeting friends etc. Apart from this, my parents had planned a trip to Goa for me and my brother, where I loved it and it was summer break.

Because during a trip to Goa, I had a lot of fun with my parents and brother amidst the waves of the sea. To make these moments memorable, I clicked a lot of pictures, with this I also did water sports for entertainment with my family, which I loved doing so, my summer vacation essay for kids, it felt as if I had come to a different world. I did paragliding there, watched the dolphin and at first I was a bit scared on the speed boat, but then I had a lot of fun, I experienced it for the first time. Not only this, but I also drank my favourite cold drink and burger near the sea. During this time, I was in the mood for fun, forgetting all the tension of my studies. I also interacted with people from many different countries and people of different religions, danced and enjoyed a cruise in Panjim Beach in Goa with my parents.

My experience of every second in this 6-hour cruise was very good, many positive thoughts were coming in me and new energy was also coming in me. It was a great feeling for me. I did not know how 5 days passed for this trip. This holiday was one of my best holidays yet, my summer vacation essay for kids. After that, I returned home and finished my project work. Let me tell you that I am very happy and satisfied with my holiday this time. My summer vacation essay for kids read: 1. Summer season Essay 2. My Family Essay 3. Seasons in India. The children studying in the school are waiting for the summer holidays throughout the year and the children are already planned. Many plans to visit the mountainous area with their family and friends, while many plan to visit their grandparents or a relative.

At the same time, the summer holidays are very long, my summer vacation essay for kids, so children try to learn many different types of activities on this occasion. Let me tell you that this essay is based on enjoying a trip to Uttarakhand during the summer holidays:. I Rahul went to Nainital to spend summer vacation with my family. Where I stayed with one of my relatives and spent my summer vacation hanging out. I was happy very much as there was no burden doing homework, the pressure of studying parents or the burden of examinations. And with it, a tour of Nainital will be as if icing on the cake, my summer vacation essay for kids.

Also, read the Summer Vacation Essay Conclusion, my summer vacation essay for kids. This journey was about 15 days. I took this journey from Delhi to Nainital by train and during this journey, I enjoyed Bhelpuri, Puri Aloo on the train with my mother and father. Apart from this, I clicked a lot of pictures with my brothers and parents, so that I can remember the special moments of my journey and keep these moments with me forever, my summer vacation essay for kids. Apart from this, he made my favourite rajma, rice and the same process continued throughout my visit to Nainital.

Every day Aunty would cook my favourite food and take me for a walk in the evening and I would play games like basketball, football kabaddi, kho-kho with my own cousins. One day I went to see Nainital Lake and a waterfall with my siblings. I loved going there and I would always like to come here in my spare time. I also went boating with my mother and father in Naini Lake, which I enjoyed quite a lot as if the view here was fascinated me, seeing the greenery and the beauty of Nainital Lake. During my trip to Nainital, I also earn about the culture there, during this time I also met people from many different religions, with whom I spoke openly about their religion and culture and also shared my views.

I am very happy with the trip to Nainital because my summer vacation essay for kids trip doubled my summer vacation and I got to learn a lot from it. I think this holiday was the best of all my holidays so far. I am completely satisfied and extremely happy with these holidays. I got a chance to meet all my family and relatives during my holidays. During this time I ate my favourite fruits, went swimming, played my favourite sports and also enjoyed some seasonal fruits that happen in Nainital. I had so many happy moments that my inner soul was completely satisfied and then when I returned from my trip.

I worked on my summer vacation project with a fresh mood and my own summer vacation with my elder sister completed homework. In this way, my entire summer vacation was happily passed and now the school was about to open, due to which now there was a positive feeling in my mind. It seemed as if these holidays gave me the energy to study for up to 1 year. Now I am perfectly fit and fine, my summer vacation essay for kids. Thank you. Also, read 1. Essay on Travelling 2. My School E ssay 3. Discipline Essay 4. Essay on my trip. During the summer holidays, my summer vacation essay for kids, schools are closed; these days are filled with high summer heat but are the happiest moment for students. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

A farewell speech is a speech given by a person leaving a position or place. It the statements made by the public figures i. politicians, teachers, etc about their earlier. Home Essay speeches Slogans FAQ. Contents Summer Vacation Essay words: Essay on Summer Vacation Words: How I spent my summer vacation essay for kids summer Holidays: Summer Vacation Essay Word: Summer holidays in India: Conclusion for SUMMER VACATION:. Thank u for ur essay that It helps me in my hard time Reply. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Comment Name Email Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Leave this field empty. Read next article Farewell Speech A farewell speech is a speech given by a person leaving a position or place.

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It offers a great respite from the dull and boring routine we follow each day. It is time to try new things and bond with our family. Summer vacations for me means a house full of cousins, lots of horror movies, delectable food and the noisy yet soothing sound of the air cooler. I live in a joint family and ever since my childhood, all my paternal aunts and cousins pour in our house during summer vacations. I have three aunts who have two kids each. Two of them are in my age and I particularly look forward to their visit to our house. We share various common interests so we have a lot of fun together but we also fight a lot. I rejoice their company too.

We are all fond of horror movies. So, almost every night during their stay we watch a horror movie. We turn off all the lights, shut all the doors and then sit together for this spooky adventure. We scream, shout and scare each other to take the experience to the next level. I just love those crazy nights spent with my bunch of crazy cousins. Besides, we indulge in various indoor and outdoor activities. We go for morning walks and evening strolls, we play, have street food and also visit the nearby malls accompanied by our elders. We are all also made to sit for around two-three hours each day to study.

It is much better than studying alone. Though we look for excuses to skip these study sessions, they are actually not that bad. We get yummy refreshments during this time and also get to giggle and whisper in between that makes these sessions fun. I love the way my aunts pamper me. The presence of my aunts in the house also means that we get a variety of delectable foods each day. They all have good culinary skills and we love the items cooked by them. Vacations are full of fun and summer vacations are simply the best. They are the longest vacations and I look forward to them every year. It truly is a time to catch up on a lot of sleep and bond with our extended family members.

The term, vacation usually brings in mind the idea of going out on a holiday. However, it is much more than that. Vacations have different meaning for different people. While for some it means going on a holiday, for others it is a time to take the much needed rest and concentrate on their health. Students are the luckiest when it comes to vacations. This is because they get the maximum number of vacations during a year. They have a long winter break, an even longer summer-break, autumn break and a lot of other holidays grouped together during different parts of the year. Many schools and colleges organize trips during the vacations. All those students who are interested in going for these trips can seek consent from their parents and pay the required amount to be a part of these.

School and college trips are extremely fun. These are mostly planned during summer and autumn break. I have been on a number of these trips and I find them to be the best part of the vacations. Many students join hobby classes during summer vacations. Summer camps are also run during these times. These camps offer numerous activities that are not only fun but also offer great learning experience. Vacation is also the time for family get together and outings. It is fun to go out on holidays with our parents and siblings and build memories to cherish forever. Meeting cousins and staying over at their place is another exciting part of the vacations.

School students often get a lot of homework during their vacations. Many a times, exams are scheduled just after the vacations. So it is also important to devote enough time for studies during the vacations. Just like students, working professionals also wait for vacations. However, they are not blessed with as many holidays. Working people keep an eye on the long weekends. As the calendar for the New Year is out, everyone begins spotting the long weekends that fall during that year. Working professionals often go for outings with their family and friends during this time. Many also indulge in team outings with their colleagues. There are a number of working professionals who relocate to different places to seek good opportunities.

For such people, vacations mean going home to meet their family. They are immensely excited about the vacations and eagerly await the same. End of the vacation time and parting with their family is quite difficult for them. Vacations for some working professionals are also a time to take rest to get back to work with fresh mind. Some professionals even take this opportunity to hone their professional skills by taking short term courses. These days there are several online courses that can be enrolled to instantly. Many professionals go for such courses. Vacations are a great time to bond with your family and friends. This is also a time to follow your hobbies and passion. It is a good idea to plan different vacations differently to make the most of them by building varied experiences.

We all look forward to vacations to take a break from our boring routine. It is time to take a lot of rest and indulge in our favourite activities. However, vacations also have their own set of disadvantages. Let us see why vacations are important, how to make the most of them and also the disadvantages attached to them. Vacations are important for everybody — be it a student, a working professional or a businessman. There is a lot of competition these days that has led to immense work pressure on people. Employees these days have long working hours and students need to go to the school, coaching classes and also require indulging in self study to score well. Businessmen require working day in and day out to set up their business and take it to newer heights. Amid all this mad rush to accomplish various tasks it is extremely essential to take a break every once in a while.

That is why vacations are of immense importance for everyone. They give us the required break from our routine, rejuvenate us and prepare us to get back to our work with a fresh mind. Working without a break makes us dull and decreases our productivity. Vacations help in boosting focus and increasing productivity. Vacation time is limited and we must make the most of it. Many people plan a long holiday and then end up tired by the end of their vacation. They seem to need another vacation before they go to work. Others vile away their time sleeping or indulging in useless activities and regret having wasted their vacations.

All these are not a good way to spend your vacations. You must strike a balance between these activities. I loved spending time there. My father has a good friend here and he was inviting us to visit his place a long time ago. He and his family have visited us a few times. And finally, my father decided to visit his place in the summer vacation. We went there on a journey by train. I love the train journey. The cutest and amazing thing was the tea gardens there. I loved the place so much. I spend my summer vacation in a bungalow in the middle of a tea garden. I went there with my parents. One of my uncles was working a tea estate manager in Darjeeling. We went there to visit his place. I was really amazed and thrilled to see the natural beauty of Darjeeling.

I and my few cousins have enjoyed it a lot. We got a car to see the whole estate. There are so many monkeys in the jungle. There is a reserved area for wildlife. We went there and saw so many types of wild animals. My name is Vinay, I am from Kerala. This summer, I visited the city of Joy, Kolkata. We have lots of relatives there. My uncles are living in the main city. Their neighborhood is really beautiful. I spend two weeks there.

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