Thursday, December 16, 2021

Hrm essay

Hrm essay

The workers are developed to meet their individual and organisational objectives. About Human Resource Management. These were the reasons hrm essay the most popular hotel of China lost its goodwill and fame. Forgot password? All of them might have done something to remedy the situation, but never did. HRM has a crucial role to play in the organisation, hrm essay, so following scopes can be associated with HRM:.

Challenges Facing HR Departments

Read this essay to learn about Human Resource Management HRM. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1, hrm essay. Definition of Human Resource Management 2, hrm essay. Objectives of Human Resource Management 3. Scope 4, hrm essay. Need 5. Importance 6. Human resource management may be defined as a set of policies, practices and programmes designed to maximise both personal and organisational goals. It is a process by which the people and organisations are bound together in such a way that both of them are able to achieve their objectives. This definition reveals that human resource hrm essay is that aspect of management which deals with the planning, organising, directing and controlling the personnel functions of an enterprise. The purpose of these functions is to assist in the achievement of basic organisational, individual and societal goals, hrm essay.

It seeks to provide relationships within the enterprise that are conducive both to effective work and human satisfaction. The primary objective of HRM is to ensure a satisfactory accomplishment of the objectives of an organisation and of its employees, hrm essay. While framing the HR objectives of the organisation, care is taken to consider the interests and needs of the employees and of employee goals. This is done by integrating the employee interests and the management interests with a view to achieve the objectives of the entire organisation. The basic objective of HRM towards the society should be to ensure that their organisation manages human resources in an ethical and socially responsible manner through hrm essay compliance with legal and ethical standards, hrm essay.

HR department, like any other department in an organisation, should focus on achieving the goals of the organisation first. If it does not meet this purpose, the HR department cannot exist in the long run. HRM is not an end in itself. It is only a means to assist the organisation with its primary objectives. In simple words, the HR department should aim at serving rest of the organisation, hrm essay. HRM should employ the skills and abilities of the workforce efficiently. Personnel objectives or personal objectives of the employees must be met if employees are to be maintained, retained and motivated.

Otherwise employee performance and satisfaction may decline and they may leave the organisation. It should stimulate every employee to achieve his potential. HRM should develop and maintain a quality of work life QWL. It makes employment in the organisation hrm essay desirable, hrm essay, personal and social situation. Organisational performance can never be improved without improving the quality of work life. The HRM should also communicate HR policies to all employees. It will help the HRM in tapping the ideas, opinions, feelings, and the views of the employees. i Setting general and specific hrm essay policy for organisational relationships and establishing and maintaining hrm essay suitable organisation for leadership and cooperation.

ii Collective bargaining, contract negotiation, contract administration and grievance handling. iii Staffing the organisation, finding, getting and holding the prescribed types and number of workers. iv Aiding in the self-development of employees it all levels providing opportunities for personal development and growth as well as for acquiring requisite skill and experience, hrm essay. vii Industrial relations research-carrying out studies designed to explain employee behaviour and thereby effecting improvement in manpower management, hrm essay. Personnel Management in India, has described the scope of human resource management into the following aspects:. This aspect of human resource management is concerned with the manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, induction, transfer, promotion, hrm essay, demotion, termination, training and development, layoff and retrenchment, wage and salary administration, incentives, productivity etc.

The welfare aspect is concerned with working conditions and amenities such as canteens, creches, rest hrm essay, lunch rooms, hrm essay, housing, transport, education, medical help, hrm essay, health and safety, washing facilities, recreation and cultural activities etc. It includes union management relations, joint consultation, negotiating, collective bargaining, grievance handling, disciplinary actions, settlement of industrial disputes etc. All the above aspects are concerned with human element in industry as distinct from the mechanical element. HRM has a crucial role to play in the organisation, so following scopes can be associated with HRM:. The success of every organisation depends upon the quality of persons it employs.

HRM helps in spotting right person for the right jobs. Persons are prepared for taking up different jobs. Every person may not be suitable for every job. Persons are assigned jobs as per their aptitudes. Persons are given right type of training so that they are able to develop their potentialities to the maximum. They are also motivated to give their maximum to the organisation. The rapid development of technology is throwing hrm essay new challenges every day. Modernisation of various techniques, hrm essay, computerisation and data processing, introduction of microprocessor controlled machines and revolution in communication techniques have resulted in a demand for trained and highly skilled persons. HRM not only helps in procuring suitable persons but is also useful in retaining them.

There may be a redundant workforce because of various developments, efforts hrm essay made to offer golden handshake to them. The aims and priorities of individual workers are given due weight-age in the schemes of the organisation. Human resource policy is backed by human values, understanding and concern for the welfare of people. Persons in the organisation will reciprocate by improving their efficiency, motivation, hrm essay, self-co-ordination and greater co-operation. The work culture in the organisation improves; people feel satisfied and enjoy their work.

HRM approach will succeed only when managerial personnel change their attitude towards the workforce. There is a need to educate executives, managers and top management regarding various aspects of the human resources approach adopted by the organisation. HRM will be successful only if we know the aspirations and expectations of various persons working in the organisation. The framing of human resource policies, strategies and approaches depends upon the information collected through research. There is a need to develop downward, upward and lateral communication in the organisation.

HRM develops a system of communication where policies of the management are properly communicated to the lowest level of hierarchy and feedback from lower levels is conveyed to the top management. Communication system helps in understanding the viewpoints of each other and taking up remedial steps, if needed. Human resource management helps in creating a better understanding between employees and management. It helps workers in accomplishing individual and organisational goals. This approach has been attracting the attention of management professionals in the last decade or so.

There is widespread unrest, strained worker-management relations, lack hrm essay confidence in each other, rising expectations of workers, emergence of militancy in trade unions etc. These factors have created a gap among workers and managements. Both sides hrm essay talking of exploitation by the either side. In the absence of cordiality in an organisation the performance of workers is adversely affected. HRM approach is required to create proper understanding among workers and management. The workers are developed to meet their individual and organisational objectives. The workers are convinced that various managerial actions will help them in accomplishing their motives besides helping the organisation.

There is a humanisation of work environment in industrialised countries like Japan, U. and other countries. Globalisation of economy has exposed Indian industries to hrm essay competition. An improvement in efficiency and quality of work can come only when workers develop organisational commitment. HRM approach helps in creating a sense of pride for the organisation among the workforce. The business environment is rapidly changing. Hrm essay improvements have revolutionised production procedures. Automation has been introduced in office operations.

Better communication channels have revolutionised vital areas of business. There is a need to cope with new and changing situation. The operational efficiency of employees must improve hrm essay face the new situation. There is a need for new approach to manpower. Political Philosophy has undergone a change all over the world. The new approach is to develop human resource properly for making its better use. In India, Central Government has named a Ministry as Human Resource Development and put it under the charge of a Cabinet Minister. This development shows the importance given to human resource, hrm essay.

So there is a need for human approach towards the workforce. The technological changes have necessitated the use of sophisticated machines. The installation, monitoring of machines, maintenance and controlling of hrm essay need trained and skillful people. There is hrm essay regular need for training and development of people for coping with the emerging situations. Human resource development has become essential for every organisation. Hrm essay and fresh initiatives in industry require new policy of human resource development. Human Resource Management is important to the organisation in a number of ways, as follows:.

Good human resource practices help in attracting and retaining the best people in the organisation. In order to make use of latest technology the appointment of right type of persons is essential. The right people can be fitted into new jobs properly only if the management performs its HR function satisfactorily.

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The workers are developed to meet their individual and organisational objectives. The workers are convinced that various managerial actions will help them in accomplishing their motives besides helping the organisation. There is a humanisation of work environment in industrialised countries like Japan, U. and other countries. Globalisation of economy has exposed Indian industries to international competition. An improvement in efficiency and quality of work can come only when workers develop organisational commitment. HRM approach helps in creating a sense of pride for the organisation among the workforce. The business environment is rapidly changing. Technological improvements have revolutionised production procedures.

Automation has been introduced in office operations. Better communication channels have revolutionised vital areas of business. There is a need to cope with new and changing situation. The operational efficiency of employees must improve to face the new situation. There is a need for new approach to manpower. Political Philosophy has undergone a change all over the world. The new approach is to develop human resource properly for making its better use. In India, Central Government has named a Ministry as Human Resource Development and put it under the charge of a Cabinet Minister. This development shows the importance given to human resource. So there is a need for human approach towards the workforce.

The technological changes have necessitated the use of sophisticated machines. The installation, monitoring of machines, maintenance and controlling of operations need trained and skillful people. There is a regular need for training and development of people for coping with the emerging situations. Human resource development has become essential for every organisation. Research and fresh initiatives in industry require new policy of human resource development. Human Resource Management is important to the organisation in a number of ways, as follows:. Good human resource practices help in attracting and retaining the best people in the organisation. In order to make use of latest technology the appointment of right type of persons is essential.

The right people can be fitted into new jobs properly only if the management performs its HR function satisfactorily. Globalisation has increased the size of the organisations, who employ thousands of employees in different countries. The performance of the company depends upon the qualities of the people employed. This has further increased the importance of HRM. Human resource planning alerts the organisation to the types of people it will need in the short, medium and long run. Human resource development is essential for meeting the challenges of future.

The importance of HRM has increased because of the shortage of really good managerial talent in the country. The human aspect of organisations has become very important over the years. HRM stresses on the motivation of employees by providing them various financial and non-financial incentives. Right organisational climate is also stressed upon so that the employees can contribute their maximum to the achievement of the organisational objectives. Effective management of human resources promotes team work and team spirit among employees. It offers excellent growth opportunities to people who have the potential to rise.

It also encourages people to work with diligence and commitment. Society as a whole is the main beneficiary of good human resource practices. Good HR efforts lead to productivity gains ratio of output to input to the society, since it enables the managers to reduce costs, save scarce resources, enhance profits and offer better pay, benefits and working conditions to employees. The importance of HR is very intelligently explained by Herbert E. Meyer in following words:. A chief executive is nothing without his people.

You got to have the right ones in the right jobs for them and you got to be sure that employees at every level are being paid fairly and being given opportunities for promotion. HRM approach is very useful in creating work culture in the organisation but still it suffers from certain limitations:. HRM is of recent origin, so it lacks universally approved academic base. Different people try to define the term differently. Some thinkers consider it as a new name of personnel management. Some organisations have named their traditional personnel management department as human resource management department.

With the passage of time an acceptable approach will be developed. HRM must have the support of top level management. The change in attitude at the top can bring good results while implementing HRM. Because of passive attitude at the top, this work is handled by personnel management people. Unless otherwise there is a change in approach and attitude nothing spectacular is going to happen. Human resource management should be implemented by assessing the training and development needs of employees. The following report analyses the leadership characteristics of the three top level management employees of a commercial printing company and determined the effectiveness of each of them. The major responsibility of the human resource department is to deliver its commitment towards the organization, such as motivating employees, deriving higher performance from them through proper training, maintain healthy atmosphere within the organization.

The committed workers in the organization are assigned the responsibility of to self-monitor or handle a group of employees. The aim was to explore the relation between the human resource management, industrial relations and trade unions. All these aspects are covered to understand the case study in the study about a pharmaceutical company, which conducted regular drug test of the employee. If the employees were found positive then they were dismissed from their job. The company was dealing in controversial drugs. We would be focusing on the case of James, a sales team leader in the office. He was found guilty when a sudden drug test was conducted on him and results were positive.

The company took the decision which was similar for all. He was dismissed. In this aspect the role and reach of the human resource department is analyzed. The legal reach of the HRD, ethical issues that the HRD has to keep in mind and the role of the trade unions in the organization are also discussed. It is the duty of the HRD to solve issues within the company, so that they would not have to spend unnecessary money in legal cases. In this case Ms. Davison was the bridge between the trade union and the management of the company. She was supposed to solve issues and settle the matter. It was recommended that the personnel should be given a second chance for improvement with strict notice of warning.

Termination is a final and drastic step, which could be only taken after few oral or written warnings.

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